COMMANDER SALUSA OF SIRIUS ~ Our Fleets Of Thousands Of Vessels Are Ready Awaiting Order For Contact.
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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Salusa of Sirius part of your Galactic Family. The Commander is boarding us on his Ship, and we meet Salusa on his Ship. Salusa informs us that her Ship and the Great Sirian Fleet are in planetary orbit. We are all set up and ready to show and to reach out when instructed.
We understand and understand the situation that the dark forces are currently deploying in the United States of North America. They are trying to dull and hide our presence in their system.
We are here as we already told you, our fleets of thousands and thousands of Ships of different Star Systems not only of Sirius that I command the fleet of Sirius and there are many, many Brothers of other Star Systems that we are here, we are ready to show ourselves, for contact.
You can see on the monitors, we can see everything there. We have fully identified our Galactic family. Everything is ordered, sorted, and ready. They cannot hide our presence. They try to hide it, but there we are in the heavens. Perhaps many can’t distinguish our ships from holographic or land-made ships, scrap ships that negative forces have made.
More and more Ships arrive and we become more and more present. Why the operation by the United States has begun. It is evident beloved brothers that there lies the greatest dark force on the planet, the entire dark elite that has kept them dominated and enslaved for so many years. Apart from that, we have complete information about all the actions of the negative forces that want to undertake not to loose power in this country.
The dark people have many strategies, many cunningness, but all the failures in their manipulation remain evident. But the Vessels of Light there we are. We have a clearance for that. We are still waiting for orders to make mass contact with everyone. More and more throughout the planet our Ships are seen.
We the Brothers of Sirius have always been attending and helping them. The high time has come for us all to come home. All who are on mission, all who came to serve. Some will pass over to the New Earth, that’s already agreed.
The planetary situation, as others have pointed out, is quite unstable. Planetary transmutations will accelerate more and more. The planet Hercolobus that is greatly affecting the electromagnetic field because of its proximity. Already in their heavens they can see it, there they can notice it and all the transmutations that are being lived on the planet, many obey this great influence. More and more volcanoes, the water elements and the other elements, the wind, will be activated.
The whole planet is being affected and its electromagnetic field, the same solar system. The Sun, watch the sun’s behavior. All of this has always happened because of cyclical situations, it is already being felt, it is already seeing light at the end of the tunnel. All getting ready for this great change that is only a matter of short time on your earthly time.
Salusa embraces the whole planet, all beings of light, all those hearts that eagerly await our arrival, change. That dimensional shift embraces y’all. Because in unity, in love, in light, in service. We are united in the service to assist these situations that arise in different systems and there we are helping them.
Father Sirius has specially assigned us this great mission and there we are attending and helping this humanity in the dimensional change in this process of planetary ascension.
I say to All, All the Children of light, to seek to raise their frequency, their vibration. Our Ships will only raise them if they reach the high frequency range. That’s why we always tell everyone. The ships of their Galactic family work on frequency, vibration. That’s why we call them to heal, to activate, to internalize, to get in touch with their inner world, to get in contact with their Galactic Family, to their I Am.
I bid farewell, I am Salusa from Sirius, bless you all.
And to Emanuel and Pastora, our Galactic Family we greet you and to all the Galactic Brothers of Sirius, to all our Stellar Family on Earth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -19/12/2024