Lao Tzu on Maintaining Balance

You cannot be in the balance if you are not in the flow… when any being attempts to stop the flow, the imbalance occurs…what you think of often as disease…
Before we even get started, go into your heart and anchor in your beautiful, beautiful tri-flame…in your Pink Diamond self, surrounded by the Mother’s Blue Diamond, and the Father’s Gold Diamond. And then altogether, let’s go to the 13th Octave. So, put your fingertips together, and let’s do three clicks because let’s go and stay there…click…click…click…
LaHoChi Prayer:
Divine Source, Mother/Father/God, we call forth ourselves into the light,
We call forward a clearing, we call forth the illuminant, radiant form of our souls
To the light of Christ and the Holy Spirit
To guide, direct and take us into the spiritual heart of God
And to bring forth joy, peace, and love
Within ourselves individually and collectively.
We call forth the cooperative spirit of unity
The light, love, and wisdom of LaHoChi
The LaHoChi Master, the Council of Love, the angels and archangels
Of pure consciousness, and all beings of the light of the highest
To assist us individually and collectively.
We call forth the healing and that which is our next step
In spiritual growth for our highest good.
We give thanks to the Holy Spirit
For our transmutation and transformation
Through the light, through the divine light.
We give thanks for perfect alignment
Within our spirit, soul, and personality.
We come together in one unifying energy
As one heart, one mind, one will, and one light.
Amen. Amen. And amen.
And staying in your heart I want you to feel that connection with this whole circle………… one circle like an infinity sign giving and receiving, open and receive. And now, together as one circle we turn out to the larger population, to the collective, to all who are Gaian – hybrids, earth-keeper, starseed…you name it. And then, to Gaia herself, to all the kingdoms, to the water, to the earth, to the air, to the fire, let’s send our love, let’s send our healing.
Breathe magenta, and blow out magenta. Breathe in pink and blow out pink. Breathe in the Healers of Tralana, all that sparkly light, and blow it out. And breathe in the purest white light you have ever seen, you can possibly imagine…bring it right in, into your heart, your crown, your tissues, your cells, your organs, your bones…breathe it in and send it out.
Now, think of your deepest desire, of what your heart deeply yearns for, what you are choosing to create…and I want this to be personal – no, Lao Tzu and St. Germaine want it to be personal. What do you want, desire? What do you need? Now, breathe it in as that white light, breathe it in and anchor it. Breathe down into your heart…instead of out, breathe down…hold it…drop it down into your solar plexus and whoosh it out!
Greetings, I AM Lao Tzu, friend and ally, ancient one, yes, Keeper, Master of the LaHoChi. For what is this? LaHoChi is light and love, the movement, the flow, the balance that you conduct, that we conduct, that all conducts.
My beloved brother, St. Germaine, whom I have known by many other names…we are an odd pair, are we not?…a frail, wiry, old Chinese man and a flamboyant Frenchman who sometimes is British or American…he is like a chameleon. But both of us bring you this gift of balance…you cannot be in the balance if you are not in the flow. And sweet friends, that means not only when you are in movement or in action, it also means when you are in the balance of stillness, of stillpoint, of intent, or anything else in this great creation of Source.
When you are out of balance it is a conscious, and sometimes unconscious, attempt to quench, or to stop, or to stench the flow. Frankly my friends, it is a rather petulant, egoic move, is it not?… to think that you would stop what the Mother, and the Father, and the One have created. There is no stopping it. And when you attempt to do this, when any being, whether it is a stick or a tree, a branch or a dog, a human or a caterpillar, when any being attempts to stop the flow, the imbalance occurs…what you think of often as disease…dis-ease in every sense of the word. And that results in death, it results in non-participation, it results in not being present, not only to those, and all, that is around you, to the Mother, to the Father, to your circle, it stops you from being present in your life.
And think of this, yes, Source does have a hand, ultimately, in the creation of all things, but you have also had a significant hand in the creation of your life. And even, dearest hearts, in the creation of what you may or may not wish to participate in when you attempt to halt that flow and throw yourselves, and many, into this place of imbalance.
When you find yourself in this, come to your center, come to your heart, come to your hara, come to your head, to your third eye, to your root. Go wherever is necessary and discern, without the judgement that stopped the flow in the first place, discern why you are choosing to step out of this infinite, eternal flow of the cosmos. Consider this.
Yes, you are but a speck, as am I, in the Mother’s cosmos, in the omniverse. But also, you are a critical element of that pattern, of that creation. That is why you continue life after life, day after day, minute after minute to continue on…because you love, regardless of circumstances, you love being part of that pattern. You love your fellow specks of dust. And ultimately, you love what you have created in tandem with All.
So, when you find yourself stymied or wishing to halt, very quickly look at ‘what is it that I am not fond of, that I wish to change?’ As soon as you do that you are back in the flow because change is flow. So, as soon as you begin that process of eliminating the resistance, you are back in the flow. Oh, you may not have the secrets or the solutions to the cosmos but you are in process. And when you add the LaHoChi, when you add the 13th Octave, when you add the implosion/explosion of your stillpoint and ours, there is no stopping you…that would be the strangest illusion of all. It would be reverting back to when the emperor thought he could actually control the minds and hearts of the people. This is not possible…not in any reality or regime. Light will continue to flow, and love will continue to heal, and to fuel your heart, your mind, your being.
So, if you feel that you are stuck, or that you are tempted to be stuck…because it is a choice…dear friends, turn to me, I will help you rebalance, I will heal that broken dream, I will heal your broken heart and whatever else ails you for I am with you.
I may be quiet but I am not absent. Go with my blessing. Farewell.