BELOVED FATHERS RÄ AND MAAT ~ Unification Time, Time To Go Home.
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I am Rä loved. Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I greet you from my heart to your big heart, we are Rä and Maat. In these planetary moments that the planet is going through, they are cyclical moments and they are very important.
A huge cycle is closing on the planet. A cycle that always ends with situations you call catastrophic, but it won’t happen this time this way. Because so I loved Father Mother. He has wanted all his children who carry in their Codes the Christ DNA, to transfer to other realities, to other higher levels of consciousness in this body, of course, transformed and subtle.
The time has come for the unification of the consciences of all beings, of all beings on the planet. The time has come to unify the monads, to gather the energies, which call energies thoughts, to unify and collect all fractals, to collect all the dimensional information of Being, and to move towards other larger dimensional stages.
Like Rä and Maat on this planet we have several fractals and all those fractals will unite, recover that great consciousness of light, that great monad consciousness. It’s time for unification, to recover the consciousness of light. It’s time for us all to return home, but let’s return complete, that nothing is missing, that no energy thought is lost. We are recovering everyone and we are helping everyone who is already in the process of awakening, we are helping them.
Everyone is recovering their monads, is recovering their energies for full formation, collecting all dimensional fractals and unifying them. Unification time, time to go home, time to go back.
This reality closes on this planet to open up to other levels. It is necessary and always is in the message, the cleansing, the healing, the activation so that all energy flows, and can be questioned and adhered to the whole brain, to the whole monadic consciousness.
Beloved, I Am Your Father And We Are Your Mother. Here we go and let’s go together to this new reality that’s going into full action.
We are the Unified Consciousness. So when we arrive, so we leave. We gather all energies and depart for our Celestial Home, our Cosmic Home.
I bid farewell, I bless you and all seek to heal and activate so that everyone joins that great Monadic and Universal consciousness.
We are Rä and Maat.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -19/12/2024
Ishtar Ashtar Adonai