Message of the Day

“I AM your brother, I AM your beloved and close family, I AM your protector, your adviser, your friend. … I come in love to assure thee that I am with you, that there is no time when we are not watching and assisting you in this work of spreading the truth, the light, and the love … You have this mission to walk between your fellow human souls who are still covered in veils … you are to be their awakeners, and then their way showers. … since your recent stepping up into mastery you are being asked to go back and to take the light, the knowledge, and the love of the New You to the ones that are not yet fully awakened. … you are the ones called to go and plant the seeds of change… allow your peace and love to enfold them. Be assured that your confidence and serenity, your body and light language will do all the work needed … In due time the seeds that you are planting by your mere bright and beautiful presence around them will sprout and grow under the careful guidance of their own angelic guardians and higher selves.” Archangel Jophiel (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)