PALAS ATENA GODDESS OF TRUTH ~ Soon Very Soon Everything Will Be Clear And We Will All See The Truth.
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I am Palas Atenea Goddess of the truth, I tell you and I want to get back to the subject of ship sightings. So many hypotheses of sightings circulate about them, which are more and more everywhere on the planet.
For the sake of the Truth I tell you my beloved, that the speech of the dark cabal, of the cabal, is to confuse. They talk about drones and they launch drones to conceal, they say it’s the blue beam project. They may be able to generate it in the North Country, but sightings all over the planet that are becoming and will become more intense, more notorious. They never wanted to bring out the truth and they keep the whole planet through pure lies. Lies after lies, always hiding the truth.
The hidden government. That government that is the one that really rules the planet above all governments. I have always told you, great presidents, the executive power of all countries, are only figures of great powers, decorative figures following instructions of this hidden government with great power.
But the Commandos, the forces of light are working to dismantle this government. That’s why the North President-Elect in his speech, has talked about ending this hidden government. That’s why they want to make it very difficult, they want to avoid his entry into official inauguration.
Beloved all, I tell you, facts speak for themselves. Feel, if you see a Ship in the Heavens, contemplate it, connect it to your heart and feel. If you feel peace it’s a ship of the Galactic federation, of the brothers of light.
Our Ships are shiny, they are plasma type, they are not the metal ships, the scrap ships that show in some appearances. Internalize yourself, feel the truth in your heart, don’t be guided by, one says this, the other says that.
The time will come when they will know the whole truth about everything. Hang in there, it’s almost time. These negative forces need to be locked down permanently. This hidden government has power, it has reptilian-assisted, draconian-assisted technology.
As the Archangel Michael tells you, this is a fight of good against evil. The hidden government refuses, they don’t want to leave the planet.
There we are brothers, there we are all poured into this great fight. But soon, very soon it will clear up and we’ll see.
I am Palas Athena Goddess of Truth.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -26/12/2024