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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, beloved children of Father Mother Adonai, I come this morning always drawn to your great love. I want all children to understand the times we are living in on the planet, they are pretty critical times. These are moments this humanity had never lived, they are unique times. We are in a pretty important frequency shift. We’re in a shift towards the final timeline, where we’re headed.
This humanity is leaving behind all the density in which it has been submerged. This humanity is entering a cycle where its energy begins to reverberate, it begins like the lava of a volcano, it begins to surface. Your inner being is seeking to enter this dimension, this reality, but sometimes the external forces act like that runner who wants to move forward, but they pull him by the clothes preventing him from moving forward.
Beloved, we must draw strength, we must draw will, courage. What is approaching is not the end, it is a change, a transformation. We have already spoken to you, we have all spoken to you through different channels, through different channels, through Emanuel and Pastora, who are our official channels, we have spoken to you about all the processes that are coming to the planet.
I as a Mother come especially to speak to my children, the children of Father Mother Adonai, so that inner lava begins to expand, so that inner energy begins to act. The inner being seeks relief, he or she knows what is coming, they are looking for the way of how to achieve the great transition, how to achieve the personality, this body obeys the internal impulse, the internal force that has been activated in each being.
Because the energies entering the planet have been so intense, that the beings are already trying to find the way to proceed. Because the desire of the inner being is to continue its evolutionary process. Don’t be bound, don’t be intimidated by all the negative programming in the matrix. Listen to your inner heartbeat, listen to the Volcano that seeks the way out of this reality.
This reality will soon not be the same. You have to seek healing my children, the complete holistic healing that frees the Being from so many programs you have recorded, so many memories.
Beloved, many have already found the way, others are in the process, but still do not decide to free themselves, to heal and others are reluctant, possessed by those negative forces that do not let them advance. energies are being activated in a big way.
I always call them from my great heart like a hen that wraps her chicks under her wings. The Mother takes care of her children. The Mother does not want anyone to be lost, to go astray, the Mother wants them all to see you on the great path of light.
I tell you all the time, we don’t know when this reality will definitely change. But we are already entering the new timeline, which indicates that we are very close to finding ourselves in the New Reality.
I call you to always come to be healed. I am dedicated to this and what matters most to me now in this whole process are you, the children of Father Mother. Also the planet, yes, the planet also matters to me, but I am dedicated to this Christic humanity that is in this process.
The Father does not want any child to be lost and we make this call within my heart to that being who wants to move forward, who knows that this reality is about to disappear, who knows that we are already going through the other reality.
We call you to come and be healed, to come, to come and be healed. Mahindra Mother calls you to her hearts, to participate in healings. Those who cannot do it in their connection due to limitations, who sent their request in the Ship we register it and at the indicated time they connect in their heart and there they also connect. Because all those who send the request enter the network, in the network to heal themselves, to free themselves.
Many have already cleaned their garments, cleansed and are ready waiting for the great moment. But others are still there half-awake. I invite you to come. It is important my children, there are no excuses, there are no limitations. Come with the Mother, there is no time to lose, in the blink of an eye this reality will change forever.
I invite you, beloved children of Father Mother Adonai. Come, come, come to heal, do not waste this great opportunity, do not waste this incarnation.
I love you all infinitely and shelter you under my mantle.
I Am Mahindra, I Am Mahindri, I Am MahIndra The Mother.
I love you Infinitely.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -25/02/2025