COMMANDER SALUSA OF SYRIUS ~ Solar Disk Integration and Unification Progress Update.
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I am Salusa from Sirio, I wanted to inform you that the process of integration of all Solar Disks is about to be completed, it is already quite advanced. As I tell you, it’s a smooth, slow process that takes its time, but we are almost concluding the integration process and once the whole Disc is integrated, it will rest here in the Valles of ERKS all that information and all the complete Disc.
Otherwise I tell you, the energy of the Disks is getting stronger and more powerful. Perhaps many of the situations that feel at the level of the internal movements of the planet, called earthquakes or telluric movements, is also caused in part by the movement and displacement of this energy of the Disks for their unification in a single Disk.
This was the information my beloved, otherwise we continue with the process as you have already been told, keep moving forward, everything is for closure. There are still situations to overcome, but already at the level of the ascending spiral, the planet is fully entrenched in the Photon Belt and this is great news for light to integrate and advance faster, which also brings its transmutations and its shakes on a planetary level.
This is the compendium of the previous message where the Solar Disks were explained to them. Now what I wanted you to know, that the process is already quite advanced, the integration of the Disks and this is in accordance with the whole planetary plan.
About the advancement of the Forces of Light, and other interlocutors have given them information about the advancement. My goal is, that you knew the part of the integration of the Disc, this already when it is at its point of joining, which I estimate that this will coincide with the Solar Flash and with many upcoming situations. All the information is already embalmed and all the planetary Library and all the information on the planet is there.
The Commands are all integrated, we are all working and assisting in that process. All the Commandos are attending, Ashtar Command and Intergalactic Command, Sirius Command, are all giving their support, because it is a pretty delicate process this integration process, as was the division process.
There’s a lot of assistance to make sure everything works out the way it’s supposed to. It’s an energy that is also handled and directed from the Ships to help in the movement of the Disc. That is generated as a kind of Field and the Disc is taking its position, but it has to be done with a lot of gentleness, because it could cause very dangerous situations at the level of telluric movements.
I am Salusa from Sirio Beloved Brothers with all my love. From the Heart of Sirius, Salusa.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 18/11/2024