During the past weeks and months celebrities, politicians, influencers, your so-called spiritual leaders, and many more public figures have shown the world how ugly and corrupt their real faces are.
The weed has been separated from the chaff.
Now we can clearly see, recognize, and know who serves evil and who serves God.
A vote for the Democratic Party is a vote for pedophilia, Satanism, child torturing, human trafficking, corruption, the enslavement of the human race, poverty of the peoples, and finally the implementation of socialism in form of a New World Order.
Time is not linear as they taught us. There is a multitude of possible future outcomes...
You choose the future you will live in NOW.
Make no mistake, we’re in the midst of World War III. This war is unlike anything we have ever experienced throughout our history as a race. But for the first time, we, the people of earth, can make a difference.
Do not base your judgment on what the main stream media has told you. They have lied to you, they have utilized MK-Ultra techniques to brainwash you into believing a false narrative.
The forces of light have been watching over the scenario on earth for a long time. They have been fighting the galactic war for us. Just because many are too unconscious and unaware of the higher powers, it does not mean they are not there.
We know it is hard to come by information of truth in a world that is designed to serve one purpose and that is frequency control.
Many high beings and warriors of the forces of light have incarnated on our planet to guide you through these days of darkness. When will you listen?
We have no personal gain from this and yet here we stand, we do not give up the fight and we will not stop warning you, educating you, and bringing the highest teachings to you.
But as this is a physical planet and you are physical beings who belong to this planet, you have the last word.
You have a choice. You have a vote. Use it.
Do not sit by and watch and victimize yourself by not doing anything.
The media all around the world has done a tremendous job painting Donald Trump as bad as possible. MSM is making this man look like the antichrist.
Because they know that he is their undoing.
When the demons are real so must be the angels.
Do you understand the sacrifices this man has made in order to rid this planet of darkness? You cannot understand even if you tried when you are still watching CNN, BBC and their likes around the world.
You have given your consent in many different ways throughout the years, decades, and ages to be used, and abused, and enslaved by the cabal.
Today the cabal will stop at nothing to regain their power over you. 2020 is the year of the final battle. They have created a virus and a narrative of fear to blame it all on President Trump so, they can steal your consent once again!
The Biden family is as corrupt and evil as they can be. And all the documents that can prove this undoubtedly have surface and are under investigation. Yet, the main stream media Does not broadcast a single word about it. Ask yourself why? Why do they not want you to know the truth? Aren’t they the news anchors?
The answer is no, bringing you the news was never their intention. To control you in every way possible is there sole agenda.
Anything that they have told you about Trump that makes him look like a bad man, are evil lies that have been dismantled by those who have digged deep and done the research.
Go out and vote for President Trump today. Let this become the victory of light over darkness.
Don’t you think that if the light forces sent a president to the most powerful country in the world, that the main stream media would stop at nothing to make him look like evil incarnate? Or do you think they would let you know how good and just he is?
We are the Galactic Federation. We have heard your prayers and cries for help.
We are the protectors of the Galactic Codex.
You may compare this to your constitution although our Codex is more sophisticated.
Our finest warriors of light have incarnated amongst you. We are woke, aware, consciously evolved, and our mission is to bring down the system of control and abuse on planet earth.
We bring information of truth to you to enlighten you and bring back freedom of choice.
There are those who do not understand what we’re saying, who do not understand what president Donald J Trump has been doing for them, who think they must educate US in what OUR purpose is and we must say they are lost in darkness. They attack us because they are infiltrated and have demonic attachments. We are compassionate towards them but we cannot help them elevate themselves out of the misery of day-to-day drama as long as they do not wake up to truth.
This is a choice only you and you alone must make. Open your heart to light by using your intent. Intent to know truth and truth will come to you. Will you accept it? Intent to accept it and so be it.
Ascension is achieved by allowing the love frequency into your being. You need light to access this love.
We are here now. We are bringing you the truth.
If you are on an elevated frequency, if you have done inner work, shadow work, and have begun to love yourself you will recognize our words as universal truth.
Today you can make a difference. Vote.
Make use of your freedom of choice.
Things on your planet are changing at rapid speed. FREEDOM OF CHOICE IS BEING USHERED BACK INTO THIS REALM.
Revoke the consent you have given to the dark and choose the light.
This war is a spiritual war, the price is your soul. Do not lose it.
Let there be light.
Divine blessings,
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of The Galactic Federation