The Collective of Guides via Caroline Oceana Ryan, January 31st, 2020
A Message to Lightworkers – January 31, 2020
This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.
We would say, that though for many this is a time of feeling stuck in old situations that can feel immovable, yet we see in your energy systems an increased flow of newer channels of thought, feeling, and realization that indicate new growth, new co-Creative moments.
Remember to concentrate each day not only what you do not wish to experience, but on what you are already creating.
And that creation begins with an image or an idea.
It does not begin with the outer appearance of what you desire; the actual “showing up” of one situation or object.
By then, the work is done.
We speak to you often of moving beyond appearances, though this is a tiresome thing to hear for anyone living in a still-dense world, heavy laden with 3D images and situations.
Be assured that while you are living out the remainder of the Old Earth, the New one is nevertheless beginning to take form.

The Fae Elders wish to speak:
“Greetings, fair beings! We are rejoicing to have this moment with you!You are all of you in a place now where it will increasingly occur to you to feel Lighter, happier, more assured of your daily living experience as being fulfilling, and not simply tiring or repetitive.
Yet you are wondering, some of you, ‘How shall I leave the last of the third dimension?’—meaning, ‘Shall I Ascend as I wish to, by developing my Lightbody?
“Or shall I release all physical form and return to the purely etheric, the old-fashioned way?’
We would say Joyfully, that you may do as you wish—there is no Pass or Fail here, no one keeping score.
Yet we see you enlivening and “Lighting up” your Lightbody each day.
Your merkaba vehicle is indeed spinning faster—it envelops your being!
And as it does so, it draws to it increasing capacity for realizing and experiencing fulfillment, inner calm, a sense of Knowing that surpasses your language at present.
So you may not always have words for the frequency of Knowing of how fully Loved you are.
You may not always have the right notes for that particular song, the right steps for the dance, so that you are able to consciously move into it, lightly and easily.
Yet it is forming within you!
We see it, and though we appear only to speak in riddles and metaphors at the moment, we use such to transmit to you your own higher self ability to grasp that which at the moment sounds to be highly ephemeral; almost impossible to reach.
Yet you are reaching it! And we dance with you, dear ones!
We would not say such if this were not true.
And so —celebrate!
Spin often, in your heart-mind, the star tetrahedron within you—as large as you, and greater!

As you image this, you allow it to draw to you those circumstances required now for your ongoing Ascending into not only great Knowing, but the experience of Divine energies now becoming part of your overall consciousness.
Previous to now, you had a higher self whose higher intent, focus, and ability to Love were somewhat a mystery to you, as you dwelt in lower vibrational Earth.
Now you enter that great mystery school of Earth learning that is a cosmic and galactic journey—a greater expanse awaits you, even as we speak . . .
Do we speak strangely, dear ones, so that you feel we make little sense?
Yet your inner self understands, and receives this news with the inner Knowing that the boat has finally arrived at the shore, ready to convey you to the other side of the sea.
We wish you Joyful, expansive feelings as you sail, without regret for anything left undone in the third density.
This journey, this time of transition will afford you opportunity to finish what you have left undone, which is more a matter of healing and release than of great outer action, though some days that may also be needed.
Can you conclude that your grace is sufficient, dear ones?
Can you love even that smaller self who may feel like holding back, clinging to the old, sustaining the ego for reasons of habit, clinging to survival thoughts?
We stand round the Violet Flame that Transmutes all within it.
Pass into that Flame the lower self, and all its attachments and contracts, its mistaken identities and accidental falseness.

And we send you the notes of your song, that you may sound only those vibrations that spring from your higher self, in all ways, at all times.
We thank you for your assistance in healing Lady Gaia, and we return now to our quieter role of working with you in your sleep states.
And yet, we are ever at your call, dear ones!
Speak to us, as we hear you, always, and reply on higher levels.
We send much Love!”
We thank our Fae Elders for their beautiful message and energy transmissions, and we ask you to let go of preconceptions of what your journey may turn out to be, for you are still writing that story.
But we assure you, All Is Well, dear ones, and that there is no end.
Namaste, friends! We are with you, always.
Copyright 2020, Caroline Oceana Ryan