The Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, May 25th, 2019
Better Timelines for Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Better Timelines for Ascension ∞The 9D Arcturian Council
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have explored several different timelines that you have in front of you, and we are happy to report that the timelines we investigate keep getting better and better for humanity. You are holding a higher frequency as a collective, and you are doing so in large part because of how much you have been able to access in terms of the energies that have been coming in. The fact that so many of you have become bored with the third and fourth dimensional ways actually bodes quite nicely for the evolution of consciousness that is happening there.
If you all were interested in continuing to play the same games you’ve been playing with yourselves for many, many lifetimes, there would be less boredom experienced. Instead you would be chasing something outside of you, something will never ultimately satisfy you. But what we see is a recognition that the third- and fourth-dimensional ways are going to be unsatisfying if you pursue them, and then we see you doing what is necessary to be open to the high frequency energies that continue to come in.
In this way, not knowing what to do with yourselves is serving you and the rest of humanity. Not feeling like you fit in is serving you and the rest of humanity. Not being interested in having the perfect life as it is on planet Earth right now is serving you and the rest of humanity.
You have been able to discern for yourselves that ultimately you will only be satisfied by the expansion of your consciousness. You have been giving in to your lackluster energy, and you have also been willing to go within and access that Divine Feminine aspect of you that is very open to receive all the higher frequency energies that have been coming your way and that will continue to come your way.
So you are helping to put humanity on these much better timelines for ascension, and you are learning how to be patient in spite of the fact that you are seeing predictions all the time about when the shift, or the event, is going to happen. Being able to navigate the fourth dimension in peace and harmony are skills that you need right now, and we see you developing those skills, and we see a brighter future for you all, no matter what the circumstances of your life might be.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”