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Greetings my beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace. I wanted to stop by this morning to give you some information.
I want all the children of light, All to be aware that we have announced that we have the authorization for the process of intervention to the planet. We have already been authorized, our ships are at the level of the atmosphere, they are already very visible. Large Ships, Ships of all casts, Medium Ships, Small Ships of all kinds.
We ask everyone not to be confused with the spectacles of the dark forces, of the cabal, alluding an alien invasion as they call it.
We are your Guides, we are your Big Brothers, your Galactic Family that is here assisting and assisting you. These shows they want to give to fill the population with fear, it won’t happen. I warn you all that nobody believes in these shows. They have a plan, because we had announced this in advance a long time ago that they would make a simulation of an invasion to fill the population with fear.
Those are not our Ships. Our Ships are very sophisticated Ships. Although they also have sophisticated technology, but they look like they are not ships of the forces of light. They want to simulate an invasion to justify military actions by perhaps alluding attacks or intrusion from other countries. Remember that in the country of the north and in part of Europe, England above all, is the great strength of the cabal and that’s where they are giving the great simulations.
I ask you not to be deceived, we will never instill fear. Our Ships inspire more love, positive energy for the world, for society, for people, for the environment.
They are their latest strategies to subject humanity into fear, because they know that with fear people lower the frequency. Fear lowers the frequency and that’s what happened in 2020.
Our Ships are all over the planet and all over the system. Those are self-made ships here on the planet in places we need them, there they are. They have brothers who are obligatory advising them in the making of those ships that simulate our ships, but they are not.
Our Ships have a conscience. There are Ships of all kinds of plasmas. We have varieties of Ships as I already told them, but we will never present ourselves with that spectacle that they want to simulate, supported also by the project they have, the blue bean that we dismantle and rehabilitate it in other ways.
Beloved, this was the information and I want you all to be calm. There will be no alien invasion here. We will present ourselves openly, when the solar flash is given, when people have made the change. In the meantime we will be at the level of the atmosphere above, making some interventions than other and we have always been helping them as we always tell them, with the volcanoes, with the tectonic layers, assisting the planet because it is our mission, our help.
Many have been able to see our Plasma Ships, they’ve seen our camouflaged Ships, but we’ll never do that Hollywood-type show they’ve put on in the North Country.
Well my beloveds, I bid farewell, bless you all, be alert, connect in the heart and feel the energy.
I bless you all.
I Am Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -15/12/2024