Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 28th, 2018

Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda 6/28/18
Greetings, we are the Arcturian Collective and we are pleased to connect with each one of you today. We wish to simply expand our previous message of allowing. Perhaps some, many of you are pet owners. We do not have the concept of pets in our reality for each being is sovereign in their own right and perhaps you could begin to refer to yourselves as pet guardians rather and owners. Think of a small cat or dog that simply comes up and allows your love to flow to them. They are allowing the vehicle
Allow and relax. Lay in the sunbeams and soak it up. No more pushing, doing, enough of scheduling your ascension advancements! You are advancing quite nicely currently in this Now as you process even more dark energies with the grace and ease of masters. Your tenacity, humanity, is staggering. We Arcturians hold you in high esteem. We encourage you to allow your success to be complete in grace and ease, and to allow our love, Gaia’s love, each other’s love, Source’s unending love, all to flow into your field and permeate it with radiant joy. You are the jewels of the universe and we salute your success. We are the Arcturian Collective and it has been our pleasure to connect with you this day.
Greetings dear children, it is Mother God. I am so grateful and so full of love for all of you this day, this evening, wherever you may be on our beautiful
We are so
I am your Mother God. I send you angel kisses of the Christed light frequency to surround you in a webbing of light, encased in my spiritual hug of
Greetings, friends! It is I, your Sananda. This one just went to a funeral and is struggling a bit with the heaviness of the energies there. Friends, you are master transmuters. When you go into a situation or scene like that, know that you are being secretively called to active duty to transmute and assimilate a quick solution to the heaviness of the energies present. Send them my light. Send them the Christed light, send them joy and send them away from you to the Great Central Sun for repurposing. (She simply crossed over the veil, dear one. I know her well. She is at last free of a body that no longer functioned). I am the master healer, as are
I am your brother Sananda. Soon the healing machines will come, and you will have new exciting advancements from all angles, from all sides and at last your news on the stations will be good news without angles or hidden agendas. New Earth is rising out of the ashes of this previous pain of 3d experiences. New Earth is existing simultaneously now, linked currently to this
Open your hearts to love, to my love. Every time you choose
I love you. I am your Sananda. Be not saddened by those who have passed, for they are being healed, they are whole, complete and living a new chapter of their eternal purpose, just as you are my friends. Soon all will be revealed. Your mentors are eager to make their initial visits. Be sure to open the doors to them, they are a bit nervous and excited or “
I am your Sananda.