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Emanuel and Pastora, beloved of my heart, I am Lady Nada, I wanted to comment on the 11:11. Portal. As you all know, this is a very significant portal, the whole process began at 11:11 and continues to be a portal of great scope, why? Because this is a portal where the of the planet in relation to the other stellar systems is located in a very favorable position of alignment for a large flow of energy.
This portal is coming with a lot of force, many will already be feeling it. What happens now, is how there are so many open portals, most of the light beings are receiving the influence of all these portals plus the energy coming from the galactic center, plus the energy from the sun, the solar plasma. The alignments, the eclipses, all of this plays a very important role in this stellar time as we approach the end of this year, of this planetary turn.
The energies are charging a very strong intensity, because it is a time to intensify all the healing processes, of releasing memories, of DNA cleansing, of activations of the bodies. All this is necessary, that’s why it’s dosed. That’s why we’re on a high dose of energy.
I sometimes understand that many can be going through moments of quite confusion, moments of physical symptoms. Moments up to mental, because you are working with these energies that bring codes also mental, which are helping to deprogram when the person has all the intention. These energies that are flowing help to release the deprograms, such as they give you an enter for those files to be deleted, they give you dilite and those files are deleted.
Beloved, human DNA is reconfiguring itself, it is acquiring a much higher and subtle structure. The dormant layers are being activated, disconnected from the DNA.
I tell you my beloved, we are in a part of a rather crucial process and the forces of light are giving it all for all. The part of the brain energy, everything that is the brain system, both the brain we all know and the second brain at the solar plexus level, the heart chakra. There in that area they are also being activated in a significant way in all beings of light. As they heal, they heal all these codes and do their job faster, without obstacles.
When the bodies are clean, detoxified, are alkaline, energy flows with greater intensity and greater strength to do the work that is required to be done in all bodies, in activations, in healings.
That’s why we always tell you my beloved, heal yourselves, work on your healing, on your physical cleansing. You must always be reminded that this process of ascension will be done with this body, with this avatar that you now have subtle, clean, harmonized.
The 11:11 portal marks a gigantic step towards activations of the Crystalline solar beings, which all have internally.
I say to all children of light beloved, use these energies for your inner workings. Use it as part of this great ascension process. Use it with faith, connect to nature, meditate, because these energies are already entering the planet having their highest threshold on 11:11.
This portal will be open for almost everything left of the ascension process. Because the planet is already moving towards a position in which all these energies can enter the planet, whatever the position of the planet is.
In fact, many portals are in the same situation, like portal 8/8. And all this energy conglomerate is to help people in their awakening, in their healing and in the activation of their Christian Being. Use these energies, assimilate and integrate. They will start to see very interesting results in their lives.
I’m saying goodbye, I want to tell you not to let these symptoms overwhelm you. Whoever has doubt about what he is feeling, connect to the inner Being who will point you.
These symptoms may manifest to you as dizziness, discomfort, discharge, insomnia, pain throughout the body, feel currents throughout the body. They feel some sort of compression in their chest. They sometimes feel very sad, depressed, because they are letting go, they are liberating.
I bless you, I bid farewell with great love for all, enjoy this portal that came to stay. Light and love hugs to all.
I Am Lady Nada.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 7/11/2024