Judge Anna Von Reitz – GCR/RV and Situation Update – August 8, 2017
Judge Anna Von Reitz – GCR/RV and Situation Update – August 8, 2017

By Anna Von Reitz
The Chapter 7 bankruptcy of most of the world’s municipal governments and the Chapter 11 bankruptcy of most of the world’s territorial governments is a domino effect.
This primary funding source for the Territorial government services was provided by our ESTATES. When our ESTATES which were being held and operated by the Municipal United States were subsumed into its Chapter 7 bankruptcy, they stopped producing income for the Territorial government. That, then, threw the Territorial government into Chapter 11.
Now you can see and grasp the chain reaction nature of the situation:
UNITED STATES “owns” and operates JOHN MICHAEL DOE estate as a franchise, the profit realized from JOHN MICHAEL DOE funds the USA, Inc.
So when the UNITED STATES goes into Chapter 7 liquidation, the funding for USA, Inc. stops, too.
The problem for good old John Michael Doe is that his estate should never have been mischaracterized as a franchise of the UNITED STATES in the first place, and he should not have his name or assets embroiled in a foreign bankruptcy.
So that’s where you all are and that’s what I and my Team are working to get you out of— a foreign corporate bankruptcy that actually has nothing to do with you.
The rats are bucking the inevitable, but the rest of the world knows the Truth.
Now imagine that you don’t know the value of anything on Earth, because nobody knows what the real debt is, how much money has been printed, or what the results of a free market valuation of commodities would be?
That’s what the GCR Committee has been wrestling with.
Commodity markets have been manipulated and rigged for so long that there is no common sense basis for the valuation of anything. You can’t even estimate the value of a pork belly in an open market, because this whole system has been corrupt for over a hundred years— but somehow, the GCR Committee is tasked with not only coming up with a total of supply of pork bellies, but a total of supply of printed pieces of paper needed to buy them, and then a current valuation complete with all the exchange rates.
Ever had the impulse to run screaming into the bushes, merely thinking about solving a problem?
That was my impulse when I first looked at that one.
Saner people than I threw up their hands, shook their heads, stared at me with the whites of their eyes showing, and looked helpless—– nonetheless, there is a GCR Committee and they have worked hard and faithfully for many months and have done their best. There is no doubt that there will be “adjustments” as actual market forces come into play and artificially low and high commodity prices fluctuate into a true value in the worldwide marketplace.
The same is true of money, because money is a commodity. Most people have never been taught to think of it this way, but it’s time we all did so. Money is a commodity like beans or hammers or gasoline engines. It is sensitive to supply and demand. It is subject to quality considerations. It gets counterfeited like Gucci handbags.
When the revaluation kicks off you can bet your teeth and liver that some chaos will reign as the value of money and commercial paper gets readjusted along with everything else.
There will be upsets as the world markets for nearly everything sort themselves out. Take what you can spare and make sure you have some extra food, water, medications you need, toilet paper, coffee, etc. so that you and your family are not caught off-guard waiting in long lines or otherwise getting hysterical simply because you don’t have a small extra supply of things you need.
The worst should be over in a month or two at most, but it looks like it will be hitting soon, so take a little pre-caution now.
Finally, you have noticed that there are an awful lot of generals in Trump’s Administration. There is a reason for that. The U.S. Army has been the de facto Territorial government since 1863. They have been responsible for safeguarding our money and have been functioning under the Lieber Code ever since Lincoln.
Now that the Territorial government is in Chapter 11, the real brass has shown up at the White House to ride herd on things. Nothing to wonder about there, except—- how did you guys ever @#$@$% so bad in the first place?
That remains a question that needs an answer.
Everyone— sit tight and stay calm and have faith. There are a lot of good people worldwide and the truth is the truth. The Land of Oz is fading away, but our own beloved homeland is coming into view. Just tap together the heels of your ruby slippers, close your eyes, and……
We are in need of funding to keep the law team going on all this. The “government” we are inheriting is broke and stumbling along under trusteeship and until things get sorted out and the funds we are owed are made available, we are on our own to make things work and bring forward the claims of the American states and people.
Please send what you can now, if you can. I don’t expect anyone to give up funds that they actually need to buy and put aside food and other things as I suggested above, but if you have “extra” that you can invest in America’s future, we need you to come forward. We cannot possibly do what we are doing without help.
I am still Chief Cook and Bottle Washer for this whole operation, so, my PayPal is the same as my email: avannavon@gmail.com And as ever, I gladly accept checks and money orders and cash for the law team and bank team and all the other projects we have going at: Anna Maria Riezinger, c/o Post Office Box 520994, Big Lake, Alaska 99652.
Thanks to all of you who have contributed in the past, we have made it to the Finish Line, but we still have a yard or two to go.
See this article and over 600 others on Anna’s website here:www.annavonreitz.com
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