The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Adjusting to the 5D R

The 9D Pleiadian Collective: Adjusting to the 5D Reality

Channel: Octavia Vasile | Source

We greet you today with so much love and light, inviting you to take a moment, breathe, and relax. What you are going to read might bring more understanding to your current situation, and we truly hope that will also bring peace to your heart. If you are reading our message, please share this with your loved ones and friends because it might help them as well.

We are here with you to let you know that Earth entered the 5th-dimensional reality and perfectly adjusted to it. There is no turning point from here. Which means that many of you will experience tremendous changes in your life. Navigate this gently, and do not engage with too much activity if you are not guided to do so. Some of you who have already aligned with the 5th dimensional timelines will be asked to help, so please commit to your higher purpose and be in service at this time. We know that maybe you will feel that it is hard for you also and that you need rest and to take care of yourself—and all this is essential—but then please act and be in service by listening to our guidance and being committed to your spiritual journey. You are the ones who hold the pillars of Light.

Know that you are strong, and you are meant to be so! You have all our support. Many of you will need to integrate now all the new energies, and many will need rest and longer periods of time in silence and meditation. Please honor your personal journey and all aspects of yourself. We are here to assure you that everything is going well and that you are comfortable enough. This is a time of great change—you become very sensitive as your perception opens up to a new, much more subtle level.

You start feeling other people’s thoughts and emotions—and all this is meant to happen so you fully remember that you are all One and stop harming one another in any way. For those of you who are very sensitive already, know that you are becoming telepathic—so please select your thoughts carefully because you are creating your reality through them and you are transmitting their vibration.

Now it is the real time to be in control of your mind. Do not engage with negative thoughts because you do not want to create out of them. Choose them carefully and think intentionally—a thought is a seed of creation. You are a painter and your brush creates worlds. Choose the right colors according to your own intuition, but also observe that sometimes the brush might move chaotically, creating unwanted realities—therefore direct it correctly, according to what you wish to create. And trust—you can create everything! It is time to take full responsibility, to be empathic, and to love each other because love is what you truly want to experience. Affirm “I truly wish to experience love, and I bring now all my relationships, all my life experiences from all timelines into pure unconditional love. I merge realities back into the Oneness that I am. I am ready.” We love you. Call upon us and we will be there for you, beyond time and space we are all One.

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