Sanat Kumara via Genoveva Coyle, February 8th, 2018

Allow your hearts to show you the way and then follow that inspiration to step into this phase of creation. Channeled by Genoveva Coyle.
Good morning dearest friends and family! I am Sanat Kumara, I am Raj, holder of the planetary Logos, your friend and companion in this new phase of your earthly adventure, and I am always with you.
And yes, we can talk about the Universal Laws and we can talk about more practical issues that you do want to manifest in your realities, for you want to see some tangible results for your years of work and effort. And I can touch on the subject of Universal Laws briefly and say to thee that you are using them always, even if somehow unconsciously, or else you would not be alive and functioning in this or any other reality. But just as you are breathing, or blinking your eyelashes without much of a thought while going about your life and days, in a similar fashion you are using the Universal Laws without having to place your attention on them or invoke any particular one.
And there will be a time to go more deeply into reviewing and refining the Laws – those which you already know and are using only automatically at this time – which have only a tiny percentage of effectiveness, for the results that you are getting by doing so show clearly that you are barely surviving. But you are here to change all this limited type of living experience and to empower yourselves and the entire human collective by showing them the effortless ways of creation.
Before we get a little deeper into this process I am here to assist you in the preparation of this next chapter of your mission.
Now, I am here to talk to you about attention and focus, about having constant awareness of all of who you are, your wholeness and presence, and the details of every part of yourselves. You cannot neglect any part of who you are, you cannot not tend to them and not acknowledge them, because this would be an easy and fast way to become drained of energy, ending up with you being distracted and less productive while engaged in this process of creation, a process that requires sustained focus until the result desired becomes a palpable reality.
You might say to me that you are not yet sure where the magnitude of who you are, where all your multidimensional self resides, but I say to thee that you know more than you believe you do. You just have to pay attention to the thoughts and ideas that pop into your mind, to that intuition that always knows how to take you to the tiniest portion of you that is calling for your attention.
You would not forget about glancing at your face from time to time, or arranging your hair, or to look into that part of you connected to your children, to your lover and spouse. However, it may take some time to check your toenails, or to respond to an email from a distant relative, or to look at your Facebook work account that you might believe is not in need of your immediate attention.
And yet those are parts of you that you intended to create and that you brought into form at one point in time. These more distant parts of thee may have a plan to enrich your lives, or are being placed strategically to speak to and tell others who you are.
Nevertheless even these small and apparently faraway spots of your being are places that need nurturing and acknowledgment.
Sometimes you find these forgotten places to be new avenues of expansion and growth, and sometimes there is only a need to close and terminate a budding idea that you decide not to pursue in this lifetime.
More often than that though you will find out that these distant parts of thee are pivotal junctures, or exits planted early on, so that you can step now into the fullness of the New You in ways that you would have never anticipated possible before.
And so I am here to encourage you to open your hearts and minds, to look far and wide, and then to pay close attention to whatever is calling on you at this time.
Allow your hearts to show you the way and to speak to thee. Listen attentively and then follow that inspiration to step courageously and firmly into this phase of creation, into the freedom of expression, and into the wonder of who you are.
I am here with you, as I always have been, encouraging thee and cheering you along on your way.
Until next time. Farewell.
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