A Message to Lightworkersfrom Caroline Oceana Ryan ~ June 20, 2016 The latest guidance from our friends, the Galactic and Angelic beings known as the Collective: |
Greetings, Lightbearers! We are pleased to have this chance to speak with you again, on this beautiful Solstice day, of June 20 to 21, in this astounding year of miraculous change and higher evolvement. For you are aware of the sadder things occurring—the events in Orlando, which as you know, took only the physical aspect of those leaving Earth, freeing their higher selves and souls to be reunited in purpose and strength, as they continue now in their beautiful soul missions, from a much higher level. And you are aware of the probabilities of change in Europe that will affect the rest of the world, such as Great Britain leaving the European Union. And the ongoing shifts in climate, all the more evident for the Northern half of the planet, during the summer months. We could list a litany of uncertain situations, the apparent potentials of which only spell trouble or mayhem, yet we will not. We present to you this Solstice day—this magical moment when the Day, in her great length, seems to have prevailed over the far shorter Night—as a time of powerful manifestation. And we would say, that if you will continue to blaze the Violet Flame of St Germain, and to envision the announcement of, and feel the reality of NESARA law each day, continue seeking each day to become more and more of your higher self, releasing that which you can no longer carry, as its density is no match for your growing Light and higher consciousness—then you will be birthing not only a new time of year, but a new era on a New Earth. |
There is still too much expectation on the part of Lightworkers that deliverance comes from a particular group of Galactics, a certain group of white hats, or a particular circle of Angelic beings or Ascended Masters, instead of from their own clarity and intention of purpose. For the hour is at hand, when all becomes new again. And so we would say, rather than fearing the changes that a “Brexit” from the EU, or another natural disaster, or another shooting or more armed conflict might bring—consider that you hold within you the power to raise the frequency of your planet up and out of these last vestiges of the old third dimensional system. Consider that you are in and of yourselves more powerful than you could know. That you have within you all you need—with your intentions, your clarity of vision, your affirmations of a New Reality, and your own expectations of and joyful acceptance of a fifth dimensional world—to leave the third dimension behind in ever-increasing levels. You have all you need to begin to experience that more Light-filled world all of the time, and not only revel in the occasional glimpses that so many have been experiencing. When you see the beauty of the compassion and outpouring of higher Love for the souls of those lost in Orlando and their loved ones, when you see the clear-mindedness of the millions who refuse to accept a criminal as their presidential candidate, and when you see yourselves each day expecting and believing in a New Earth of Peace and Equality—then yes, in those moments, you have joined the fifth dimension and declared it as your reality. |
We would simply say, make those moments your entire life, and not only part of it. Any time that you receive money or a financial gift of any kind, dwell deeply in the feelings of gratitude and thanks and generosity, making that your ongoing vibration where money is concerned, thereby lifting the energy of money to fifth dimensional levels of Abundance for all. Each time you see another person, smile at them with the realization that their lives are as precious and invaluable as those lost in shootings and other armed incidences—realizing, without needing tragedy to bring you to it, that every life is a sacred blessing. As you drink a glass of water, bless it with Divine Love and declare that you are drinking Divine Light, affirming in that moment that all water in your country is clear and clean, structured and pure, and full of Divine Light, blessing every child and adult that drinks it. You see how you can at any moment revel in the miracle that is your own higher Light, sharing that Light with the Earth and Her people in ways that affirm and anchor the fifth dimension as your everyday reality, and not merely something that shows up in momentary glimmers. And are you, “mere mortals,” capable of invoking the changes that will shift your planet from one of struggle and loss to one of equality, justice, peace, beauty, and all other blessings of the higher dimensions? And so we say to you, release these ideas of limitation, and take up your power to affirm, to expect, to resonate with all that your soul so completely desires to pour through you now. |
There is no defeat, no event or circumstance that can trouble you for very long, and none that define or confine you in any way. Spread your wings! Take an inner vision journey over the Earth this beautiful solstice day, flying over and blessing every part of it. Name and claim every part of your Earth for NESARA—“I claim for NESARA! I claim you for Peace, for human sovereignty, for Divine government, for a New Earth!” This is yours, and so claim it! Then wherever you are, in your life journey or in the world, celebrate this beautiful turning of the tides that is one of the greatest movements your Universe has ever seen. Take this beautiful time of solstice as one more powerful symbol of your ability to claim your true identity, as those bringing in the Dawn of the New Earth. It is why you have come here now, and every moment of your new birth awaits you. Blessings of the Solstice, dear friends, dear family! Namaste! You are never alone. Copyright 2016, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to this original post. Thank you. |
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