“So for us to find our beloved, willing, cooperative, unified humans to provide the platform and the vehicle for us to reach out to millions has been a gift. And it has been a gift to us. And it has been a gift, an honoring and a sacrifice placed at the foot of the alter Mother/Father/One. And so we thank you and we bless you and we honor you and we support you. What I say to you beloveds is not, “Get ready,” because you have gotten ready. And you are going for it and you are creating and co-creating at a phenomenal speed. Look around you and feel the gentleness in the air, on the breeze and feel the strength that rises up within you. That sense of determination and excitement that is matched equally, and then some, not only by us but by your star family. Disclosure is there. So yes, there are many adventures that lie ahead and we will be with you in each and every one of them because we love you.” Archangel Michael