P’taah via Jani King, February 18, 2020

Message from P’taah through Jani King
February 2020
Q: P’taah can you please say a few words to us about what we perceive as these very troubling times we’re living in? We seem to be at a crisis point, at least all the politicians are telling us so, and running out of time to help our planet, you know we have these terrible climate changes with fire and floods over lots of our planet, and extinction of species and pollution of our waters, I wonder if you could say a few words to us about these things?
P’taah: Firstly we would like to say this: much of what you are hearing and much of what you are comprehending, in fact, is not necessarily what you would call news, but rather being dictated to, how you should think. Now, by this we mean you are being, in a way, forced to come to very fearful conclusions, to have fearful reaction to what you are hearing, what you are seeing on your news, etcetera, what you are reading, and as fear takes hold you are forgetting the bigger picture.
Certainly we would say there are many truths coming to the surface now, coming to being disclosed, about behaviour of politicians making choices, in a way, to make money rather than what is for the benefit of the planet, of each country, of all of the people upon the planet, and of course about wildlife etcetera, all of these things that you have been worrying about.
Now, these things are what is occurring, however there is a bigger picture, there is opportunity for change. It is, in a way, a time for peoples to take back the power of populace, power to change law, opportunity to change the way things are done in each country.
Also it is to remember that the Earth herself is going through change which have nothing to do with human interference. This is a natural cycle, that which is of global warming and ice ages and various, what you would term, catastrophes, but really are simply ways that the Earth has of balancing herself.
Also to remember that everything is always perfect! Now this is most difficult when you are looking, what we would say, down the barrel of the gun! Everything is always perfect, in truth, nothing is lost. This is really looking at things outside the square, outside the box of consciousness which is normal for your peoples.
So there is indeed cause for concern. Also let us speak about the disasters in the country of Australia, and indeed much grief, much hardship, etcetera. However, also coming from this is the fact that humans are coming to humans to support, to nurture, to assist, coming from love, coming from a place in the heart, coming from the idea of nurturing, of healing, coming together to assist wildlife.
In this country also fire is a natural way of regeneration, not on the scale which have been experienced in these last months, but certainly that is the nature of the country, in a much smaller way.
So to look at this idea of peoples coming to assist peoples, coming to assist from all over the world, in this disaster, this catastrophe. And then to rise above that and to look at the overall picture and how this have touched the hearts and souls of peoples all over your globe. And in other countries, as we say, truths are coming to the surface, peoples are learning that they must take power to create change and transformation.
It is a time of hope rather than a time of despair, to know that everything, in a way, is going according to plan.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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