“Cosmic Being YOU ~ Radiating Now”
“Cosmic Being YOU ~ Radiating Now”
As a Cosmic Divine Being, your Light is radiating now throughout the Universe.
As you consciously acknowledge this awareness, you tap into more of the REALITY of YOU ~ that is this Cosmic Being ~ YOU ~ radiating.
Doing so, you become more conscious of the awareness of you, that includes all desires, existences, within it, including the FORM you are currently inhabiting in this world and parallel world VERSIONS of you, NOW.
To do so ~ MORE Consciously, activates your awareness to this EXPANDED larger than life ~ COSMIC BEING YOU ~ (beyond this life version of you) that is the CAUSE of your existence, and all of your existences, this moment.
The Universe Radiating Light ~ COSMIC Being YOU is YOU, and you the one aspect in form YOU ~ are held within this.
Connecting to the Cosmic Being ~ Light is connecting to your Original Light. Your Divine Ascended Being is ALSO held within this, your Cosmic Being.
Letting go of all ideas of time, of concerns, of wants, needs, attachments and fears ~ and consciously BEING our Cosmic Being, we suddenly realize, that we have never been apart from any eternal aspect of ourselves.
Realizing we are NOT separate from any state of consciousness we become the actualization of ALL THAT WE ARE, eternally ~ through our COSMIC Being ~ which includes ~ abundance, love, health and the realization, there is no death and their never was.
Activating your Cosmic Being now, in the radiating Light of The Divine Council of Overseers….receive now, in Love and Glory as The Divine Cosmic Being ~ Radiating.
In love,