You Are So Deeply Loved and Needed Right Now
St. Germaine
Saturday Conference Call 20180818
Linda Dillon Channel for the Council of Love
Meditation: Surrender to Receive
So, let’s begin, let’s begin by relaxing. I know it’s Saturday morning and we all have a to-do list of things that we need to get done…and don’t we have a to-do list every single day? But let’s, together, just take this time for ourselves, to be in this place of sacred unity and community, in communion with each other and with the divine, with the ascended masters, the archangels, and the entire Council of Love.
So, let’s begin by going as one sacred circle to the 13th Octave. Anchor in your heart…deeper…and feel your beautiful tri-flame, of your Pink Diamond Flame, of your beautiful soul
Now, put your fingers together…click…click…click…click…and feel that connection literally resting in the heart of Mother/Father/One. Let yourself relax and be home and let this time with Them fill and renew you.
And let’s take a deep breath of the deepest, darkest purple you can imagine…of those rich, juicy, dark grapes on the vine at harvest time. And breathe in and smell the scent of that mustiness, of that richness of the dark grapes, of that dark purple…and breathe it in. And feel yourself as if you’re enfolding yourself in a beautiful purple robe, the color of Easter, of that liturgy robe, that brilliant violet. And the woodland violets, they want to come too, and the purple popsicles of summer. Taste and smell all the gradations of the blue-violet, of the deep purple, and feel yourself sink into it.
And directly in front of you, in your mind’s eye and in your heart, feel or see or sense or perceive, however you do it, see this perfect Violet Flame…like a teardrop flame, only it’s upside down like a Dairy Queen flame…and it’s the most beautiful, rich, deep, delicious violet and it’s not purple and it’s not blue, it’s that blend. And St. Germaine has told us time and again…and he’s telling you again, right now…and he’s reactivating the Violet Flame – sits in the palm of your hands. Take a minute and feel it…
And the Violet Flame comes out of the tips of each of your fingers…all ten…and take a minute and feel it. And the Violet Flame sits in your heart. Feel as if it is overlighting and even merging for this time with your beautiful Pink Diamond. Go ahead…
And the Violet Flame is instilled in our third eye, in the center of your forehead, so that you may truly see…in every sense of that word…what lies in front of you, and ahead, and behind, above and below. Let the Violet Flame open your third eye…good.
And the Violet Flame sits in your crown. This is your center for the Violet Flame, your center for connection to the I AM Presence. But today St. Germaine is giving us a crown and out of each of the points of the crown is the Violet Flame. So, we have about a dozen encircling our heads…it’s beautiful! Let them burn brightly!
The Violet Flame is the I AM, but it is also a powerful healing tool. And when push comes to shove, all healing, whether it’s a broken foot or a broken heart, is all about the heart. So, take your hands, with the Violet Flame running brilliantly, and place them over your heart and feel that warmth going directly into your heart, into your heart center. All of us, at some point or another, need heart healing and it may be something that you’ve experienced in your life, or it may be what you have observed on Terra Gaia, or in the clearing of the chaos.
But, feel that Violet Flame, not only going into your heart but right through that chakra, right through your tri-flame, but into your heart and out the back of your being. Turn it up a bit…it doesn’t need to be directed, it just clears out the debris and more deeply anchors your I AM and The I AM. So, open and receive, allow. One of our biggest actions as love-holders is surrender. So, surrender and receive.
And we ask that this continue to run until the healing is complete. So, whether it is an hour, a week, just allow and say, “Thank you!”
Channeling: You Are So Deeply Loved and Needed Right Now
Greetings, I AM St. Germaine, Keeper of the Violet Flame, Keeper of the I AM. It is an honorary title and one that has been gifted and bestowed upon me because, also, I know what it is to be human. And I know, my beloveds, in your rapid ascension that is fully underway and to which you are committed, that this anchoring of your I AM and The I AM, there is no separation…it is simply a matter of degree. This has
So in many ways, when I bring my Violet Flame to thee, what I am doing is simply reawakening and helping you to remember the essence and the truth of who you are, of who you have always, infinitely and eternally been…in and out of form. You are splendor. You are grace. You are the embodiment of the I AM, of the essence of our Mother and Father unified as One.
So yes, I come this day, yet again, of reawakening, of remembering, of surrendering, of accepting. You have dawned your mantle of Divine Authority. But, this is not the regal robes of false authority, of kings and queens and abusers of authority. Think of your mantle of Divine Authority as hopsacking…yes, you may prefer silk, you may prefer velvet trimmed in ermine. And, of course, that is one form.
But what I speak to you of today is moving amongst the people. Yes, you call them human beings…we call them hybrids and earth-keepers and star beings and angels and archangels in form…but Gaians one and all!
Just as the channel has stated earlier in your discussions, your Divine Authority has always been an essential, quintessential, part of your being. It has been reawakened. There have been bestowing’s and ceremony, but it has always been part and parcel of who you are.
Why do you think so many of you, regardless of race or color or economics or social status, why do you think you are so fiercely independent? “Don’t tell me what to do. I know what I want, I know what I feel, I know what I want to do.” And then, of course, you cower in the corner afraid of what you might create or miscreate and you say, “Please tell me what to do.”
But in fact, that energy of your independence, of your freedom, has always been within you. Like a child who learns to walk or ride a bike, at first you want
So often you have held back fearing that you would create or contribute to greater chaos because you have witnessed for eons what has been created and miscreated upon this planet. It is one of the reasons I have vowed not to return until the Golden Age is firmly well along the way.
You are the bravest ones. You are the ones that have stepped forward, not forced, you have stepped forward and said, “I know what to do. I’ll go, Mother!” And you have and now you are in a time of change that has never been witnessed upon this planet, supported mightily from the Mother, to me, and everything in-between.
But my beloveds, you, you are the implementors and that is why I have requested and asked and come this day, to remind you and reawaken and reinvigorate the Violet Flame within you, around you, above you, below you, because it is your essential I AM. Because you are being requested to step forward in the confidence, and the fullness, and the truth, and the might of who you are in your essential Divine Knowing and Divine Authority to create what was always planned from day one, eons ago…for this beautiful planet to be a place of love.
It is so simple and yet, it has been notoriously off-track. And yes, massive chaos has come to the surface and is being cleaned and cleared. So, where you see…whether it is next door neighbor, or Washington, or Moscow, Jerusalem, or Syria, Uganda, Zimbabwe, wherever you see anything that is not of love, take it in your hands, cup it as if you are trying to get a glass of water, a sip of water…cup it, put it in your hands, whether it is an entire continent or an individual, and allow the Violet Flame that is burning brightly in your hands to begin to transmute and transform it. Send the Violet Flame from your third eye, from your heart, into your hands, make it the bonfire.
This is
I am pleading with you to give this a few minutes every day. This is what you have said you could do…in addition to being
And you are so deeply loved. You are deeply honored and respected and treasured and cherished…and my beloveds, you are needed and your help is needed on
So, I thank you, I thank you! Go with my love. Farewell.
Channeled by Linda Dillon
©2018 Council of Love, Inc.
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