Imagine a World in Harmony

Imagine a World in Harmony

Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The idea of a world in complete peace, love, unity, and abundance for all, seems impossible, for most humans today.

However, we are here to tell you otherwise. To remind you that you have in fact descended from such worlds and realities, in order to experience limitation and what you call suffering in the Third Dimension.

We are here, in hopes of reigniting your memories, and inspiring you to imagine, once again, a realm where all life is in balance, in harmony, existing within the energy field of Divine Flow, which you call love.

You are not only in the times of great cosmic change, you are in truth very close to the finish line of this process of awakening.

So we ask you once again, to imagine.

Imagine and believe that the world you want for yourself and humanity, is not only possible, but already here. For you are more and more each day embodying the energies of this world. Its blueprint is stored within your DNA, which are being activated now.

The veils of forgetfulness and separation are dissolving very fast.

The moment of the change over is imminent.

Please take time to set your intentions, and be clear, come from the heart, be in the heart for the short remaining time in the current dimension. Do not allow yourself to be rolled into the films of the Third Dimensional dramas.

It is time for a new level of spiritual growth and expansion, and emerging into your Higher Self as you remember your Divine Nature.

Blessings to You!