El Morya: Make the Reversal

El Morya: Make the Reversal

Channel: Jahn J Kassl | Source

Don’t dream life, live your dreams!

Beloved people,

Surrounded by horror scenarios, unsettled by dystopias and misled by false prophecies – this is what those affected experience when they only view current events from a certain perspective.

Many people today tend to paint a bleak picture – and many cannot see the light that shines through everywhere. Instead of extracting the good, the true and the beautiful from this time, they give evil and lies excessive power. In this way, the victim status is prolonged and one’s own creative power is negated.

What can a person do when he feels helpless and at the mercy of the tides?

What can you do when events freeze you – instead of waking you up to move?

It depends on YOU!

The key to a bright, golden future lies in claiming your power in everyday life:

 Day by day you decide what you allow to be done to you or how you create it yourself.

 Day by day you choose what you believe or who you truly trust.

 Day by day you decide where you say YES or NO.

 Day after day it’s up to YOU!

This is how you become aware and claim your power in everyday life. It happens as you become aware of who you are, what you came to do and where you will one day return to.

Your self-determination allows you to develop your self-confidence:

 Without an idea of ​​who you are, there is no spiritual development.

 Without an idea why you were born into this time, there is no support.

 Without the certainty that you will return to where you came from, there is no perspective and the deep meaning of your existence is hidden from you.

You ask yourself?

Are you wondering why things are going so wrong on this earth, why injustice is crying out to heaven and why the wheel of karma keeps turning? Are you wondering where I can get involved, what I can do, how I can help to bring about a turnaround?

I tell you: help yourself, prepare the kingdom of heaven within yourself!

Waking up means letting the light into the soul and being ready for the healings, healings that must first happen within you so that they can become visible on the outer plane. What manifests itself on the outside has to do with you! Matter and reality are created by the spirit.

The human mind is the most powerful tool in this universe. Consciously and unconsciously, man creates the reality around him.

What is necessary is …

Today it is necessary for you to make an inner change, a change from a negative to a positive orientation. It is necessary to turn the energy inside so that it can spread and manifest itself outside. Today it is about activating the creative potential. What was unattainable in past eras due to the sluggish vibration on this planet is a necessity today: to see the light in the darkness and to become the light in the darkness yourself!

To do this, you need to delete the old programs and remove them from your consciousness. Only in this way can you find yourself, understand yourself and put your life into the bigger picture. Then everything will be clear, everything will be logical and guided by GOD. Then a path will always be shown to you – your life will consist of enriching learning experiences and the days will be full of miracles.

Turning away from prophecies!

Turning away from depressing and frightening prophecies is more urgent today than ever! Everything can get worse or everything can get better. Where the pendulum swings in the end is up to you to decide.

What does this mean in practice?

1.) Dedicate yourself to your own clarification work so that you can see clearly, feel clearly and act clearly.

2.) Trust your own decisions!

3.) Live your purpose and your destiny!

4.) See yourself in the bigger picture and be aware: everything affects the whole.

5.) You are a human being, your feet firmly rooted in the earth and connected to the divine with your spiritual antennas! If you feel neither the earth nor the divine, then continue with point 1 until you perceive this.

The connection between humanity and the divine is the key to a harmonious life, a life that is right for you. If you succeed in doing this, then you have everything, because that is what being and becoming are all about.

With infinite love