We Need A Passion for Compassion ~ Saint Germain

We Need A Passion for Compassion ~ Saint Germain

by Therese Zumi Sumner

TZ here: About five years ago I listened to a woman being interviewed about her experiences of growing up in an Illuminati bloodline family. She was in hiding after managing to escape from the group. I will give you some details about two of the events from her life that she described as I recall them. About 4-5 years old she was left alone in a room in her home without food or water for several days. On the second day her mother comes in with a jar of water and a glass. The mother then proceeds to drink a glass of water and when the child asks for some the mother pours the remaining water over her head and leaves the room. When the ritual/test ends, a high ranking male member of the illuminati group that her family is connected with comes into the room and congratulates her on being a strong young woman and having passed her test.

Aged 11-12 she is flown from the European country she lives in to Rome and The Vatican. There, along with two other children of the same age whom she has not previously met, she is taken to a room in the catacombs under the Vatican where a red robed priest is to initiate these three children into the Illuminati. The three children have to stand and look on while the priest ritually murders a baby upon a marble slab in front of them. She recalls that the marble table has a deeper part round the edge for the blood to run into. She says that the baby must have been drugged because she/he did not cry. All she remembers was that she kept saying to herself over and over, again and again through the entire ceremony something like "let it be over soon - let it be over soon - let it be over soon".

Would you have a problem forgiving this woman for having been a part of, being born into a family like this? I doubt it. We need to remember in these days right now that there are thousands of light human beings that have been incarnated into these families. Some of those who have escaped have been helping the light resistance movement. Cobra has always said that many would leave the groups/families in the end days.

When Saint Germain spoke to us earlier this year through the channel Linda Dillon he spoke at length on this subject of compassion and acceptance. He wants us to have compassion for everyone.

Some of the first updates that we have received from Cobra in 2012 provided details about the so called elite that we often call the cabal. We learned that the core Jesuit group have been ‘running the show on Earth’ for the last 500 years. They have been aided by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers all over the globe. Behind the Jesuit rulers have been the archons controlling their minions mainly from the plasma planes except for some archon leaders who have incarnated into the black nobility families.

If you are among those who have just recently been reading some of the great amount of information regarding how human beings have been controlled by the so called elite, it is very likely and understandable that you are feeling anger towards these dark leaders. Those angry feelings will have to run their course, will need to be allowed, accepted, yet in the end we reach a point of knowing and understanding that people's actions and choices are always connected to their past experiences and programming.

If you have been 'at war' forever then you know nothing else. If you have had to experience trauma, be ready to do anything to survive, then you know nothing else. These souls ~ these extremely sad lost souls ~ have totally lost contact with their hearts. They have learned to stop feeling as a way of surviving.

There Is Always A Choice

Trying to support and love a soul that has closed off their heart to feeling is almost like doing the impossible. Someone who has known war and strife and fear as a way of existing for eons has learned to survive through control and manipulation and they are always on the watch out, always suspicious of, someone who gives unconditionally. All of these souls will always have a choice to choose the light path and go through a process of healing. Many will choose this path and many will not and they will return to the Galactic Central Sun and eventually begin their journey as a new soul all over again.

Here is a quote from Cobra’s update about the Terms of Surrender for the various cabal groups where he also provides details of Each groups origins.

Second, the Cabal members that surrender willingly will go through a psychological transition to become part of the Light forces and will be treated fairly. They will all be stardusted so if any of them tries something funny before they fully accept the Light, they will be paralyzed immediately and then removed from the planet. During the reconciliation process they will need to fully disclose their past actions and come face to face with people's anger, but will not be allowed to be treated violently and will not be punished. The biggest punishment for them will be their conscience after they wake up and fully realize what they have done. They will go through a psychological healing process and will live the rest of their lives in service to humanity and Light." To read this entire update go here; http://2012portal.blogspot.se/2016/07/terms-of-surrender-update.htm

Saint Germain

Earlier this year saint Germain had a very important message** for Lightworkers at this time. He said He wanted to discuss 2 categories. He began by discussing the old and unresolved issues that were surfacing - coming to the front both individually and collectively. He strongly urges us to “welcome them with our hearts flung wide open”. I personally have been dealing with my old issues these past months and I’m sure that many of you will recognize this. You think that ‘your there’ that you have finally seen the light and finally ‘got it’ and then that same old issue turns up again and again until you give up and leave it in the Mothers Hands and She lovingly leads you to a calm harbour.

Saint Germain goes on to explain that when these old issues surface that these are things that have not been addressed or seen to. He says “there is no need for drama, there is no need for disassociation. We need ACCEPTANCE – because in acceptance we enter the flow”. He reminded us that at Christmas time we were advised by the Co. of Heaven to be in“willingness and forgiving, however when we are in acceptance we bring forth our alignment with our divine will. Be in your sacred willingness and simply accept and allow this unfoldment”.

Then he continued with the second category and said, “at the same time a second thing is going on - a rapid acceleration of the creations, of your dreams – of your hearts desires* that you are wishing to bring forth. That is the good fulfillment as you are beginning to understand more fully how this process of ascension and fulfillment is working.”

He wants us to “accept in glee, joy, gratitude because then this creation energy will grow and blossom”.

I recall Cobra pointing out in an interview this winter that we should not be waiting for The Event to arrive for everything to change but that we should begin manifesting* our hopes and dreams now. You will all recall that Cobra has been asked by Saint Germaine to help support the arrival of the Nova Gaia new society “Now Comte de Saint Germain has asked me to assist him in completion of the New Atlantis project. The planetary energy grid of New Atlantis is namely the energy tool that will manifest the Compression Breakthrough, the Event and the New Society.” http://2012portal.blogspot.se/search?q=New+Atlantis

Wounds and Scars of Wars

Saint Germain told us that we are all recovering on some level from war and the wounds of war. When He says ‘all’ He does mean everyone including all of those people/beings that are holding us hostage. He explained that we are healing the wounds of war as far back as the intergalactic wars, as far back as Atlantis from which all of humanity is suffering from. He reminds us that in this time of rapid change this time of the Fulfillment of the Mothers Plan (which he points out is ‘no pie in the sky’ but very real), the time of Ascension, we are transmuting, letting go of, healing, our burdens, wounds, belief systems, everything that has hurt us.

He discusses the deep mental, emotional and spiritual scars resulting from the many wars here, that are coming to the surface to heal so that “a new skin forms”. One very important part of this healing besides willingness and forgiveness is compassion.

 “it is this deep abiding compassion for everybody because everyone has to a greater or lesser extent…you have all been victims, all been robbed of peace….it needs to be healed and it is done with great great compassion.

You have need to adopt a system, a posture, a passion for compassion and I mean this my beloveds for everybody. For those who are totally involved in ISIL, for those involved in the illuminati, those who have been involved in terrible deeds of abuse of power, political social, institutional, structural especially political.

It is understanding with a heart full of love that these people, these fellow human beings who have also all come in the fulfillment of the Mothers Dream, that they have been victims and that in many ways their wounds of war are even deeper because they have engaged in false belief systems. They have engaged in violence with a firm belief that they were on path or correct, ignoring their inner or outer self – it matters not – there cannot be one shred of judgement because it is in this way that you all go forth – that we all go forth together.”

Most Important Now Is Our Balance Emotionally

Let us not allow the final battle that is now taking place to dictate our moods at this time. The cabal are in full panic mode right now and if we allow every new piece of news about the ongoing battle to affect our equilibrium so that some days we feel high with joy and other days down in the depths of despair, then these coming weeks and months will be like a roller coaster ride.

We know that we will have full disclosure. Cobra has said time and time again that no matter what we hear regarding efforts to ‘feed us’ with a partial disclosure this will not happen! We will have full disclosure and nothing else. This is an article on this subject that I wrote a year ago; http://prepareforchange.net/2016/03/12/partial-disclosure-is-not-an-option/

The Inferior Is Going the Superior Is Coming

We had amazing results from that last ‘Etheric Liberation Meditation’ indeed Cobra described the results as epic.  This meditation reduced the expected remaining time prior to The Event in half! We can be sure that when the time is right the Resistance Movement will suggest that we unite again in a special meditation that will ultimately fast forward The Event arriving at the speed of Love. Next time we must point out clearly that anyone wishing to take part should immediately download the necessary information so that they do not have to rely upon reaching the information as the meditation is about to start. A server crashed last time because up to one million people attempted to access the info simultaneously. Let us stay calm and in balance at all times connecting daily to Source / Mother – Father One and to Gaia. Balance in every way possible physically, emotionally and mentally is paramount at this time. Do not allow others to steal your energy on any level.

We are in the process of anchoring our divine will on Gaia. Divine Mother – Goddess – Maat needs us working in tandem with Her Divine Will. Earlier this year we were informed that we are doing what needs to be done in this time on Gaia of the rebirth of true democracy – true community - based on the expression of Love and trust, where there is no desire to control with any lies but where integrity and truth are omnipresent.

I recall that Saint Germain mentions in his message** that we have done a “fantastic, fabulous, phenomenal job” even while sometimes waiting impatiently for the ‘fulfillment’ of our Sacred Mother. He points out that by being in acceptance – in the flow – able to forgive, we are allowing the unfoldment.

We are now aware of the fact that we are true sovereign beings with the freedom to create our destiny. We cannot fail because we are working in tandem with the entire Co. of Heaven, with our star brothers and sisters and the entire Galactic Confederation and with the Resistance Movement.


Remember what our Divine Mother reminded us a while ago namely that we need to remember the potential that each of us carry. She said that we “need to comprehend the scope of what you are capable of – independent of how you see yourself – that you are of my Essence.”

She told us that She has “heard our cries, pleas and tears in the night – not sure that we can go on – yet also that you know it’s the time of the fulfillment of your plan and My plan…. (which entails) the unfoldment of Love – the re-anchoring of Love as the fundamental energy and guiding principle of existence in this realm.”

After The Event

The Plan after The Event is for us to fully anchor our roles as co-creators of Mothers Divine Will. We are right now laying the ground to solidify and cement those goals. Things are starting to speed up. There is a sense that things could happen at a quicker pace. We need to personally take precautions to secure what has been gained. We are being led every step of the way on the entire journey and nothing can go wrong.

We should stay in our heart, let our heart lead the way in correcting any situation. We know the truth and we should not allow any old ego fears to hold us back. We know who we are now. Change is the only constant – Mother is moving on and She needs us with Her now.

Victory to the Light

Link: St. Germaine on Personal and Global Healing ~ An Hour with an Angel http://inlightuniversal.com/st-germaine-on-personal-and-global-healing-an-hour-with-an-angel/

Therese Zumi


First posted on PFC 08th April 2017 at  1111 CEST