Message of The Day

“We are entrusted to be the gatekeepers of the new portals of light that have been recently opened. Yes, you have been thoroughly trained to discern with your hearts and knowing who and what will be allowed to come in and to stay in your sacred space, because your home is a portal, your home is an important establishment in the unseen Cities of Light, that you are continuing to work on.
This is why it is imperative that you hold onto the joy and to your upbeat attitude on a continuing basis. Then you will prevent the outgoing flow of negative energies from knocking you off balance and from dragging you under. You are always safe and protected, because we speak to you in your dreams, and through messages given just before your awakening from sleep. We are sending our emissaries in physical form to communicate with you directly and to assist you with your next steps. You can recognize them easily by the sparkles in their eyes, and your knowing is confirmation of the truth of these messages given to you in love.” Commander Ashira of Neptune (channeled by Genoveva Coyle)
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.