Life Tapestry Creations: Solutions to 3D Issues

Life Tapestry Creations: Solutions to 3D Issues

Channel: Brenda Hoffman | Source

Dear Ones,

You are not in 3D anymore, so those issues that feel out of control are of little consequence because you now have the skills to jump through or around them.

But your solutions will not necessarily be 3D.

Many of you are concerned about financial issues and hope that a lottery ticket or some long-lost relative will provide the answer. Solutions that were appropriate in 3D are not quite right now.

Perhaps you do not care if it is a 3D solution or a solution you have not yet thought of—you just want an immediate resolution. What was once correct or right is no longer. So redirect your energies to new solutions instead of the outdated, tired solutions you once dreamed of.

Open your mind and your heart to the new. Place your dream into the ethers, knowing your solution will not be of an expected nature but instead of your new world.

Many of you are now clamoring that such a thought is airy-fairy, and you need rent or food money now. We of the Universes will reiterate that what was is no longer including your solutions to vexing issues. Instead of continuing to dream in 3D, open your perspectives to the new.

Of course, the question becomes, “If you do not yet see or sense the new, how can you create a solution?” Our Universal response is, “Place your need in the ethers and discover what you create to solve it.”

This is a new time in a new life, so you do not yet have the physical images or descriptors as you create the new within your current physical being.

You can create whatever you need. But what you create now will likely not be what you thought you would create, for this is a new time with new answers.

Perhaps a look back will help you understand. As a young teen, you likely had a crush or deep interest in someone who did not reciprocate your interest. Even though you were devastated then, hindsight tells you that the relationship would have been inappropriate for the long term because the two of you had such divergent interests.

So it is now. You dream of young teen solutions despite becoming a new young adult with abilities far beyond what you now imagine.

Many of you do not care if it is a 3D or beyond 3D solution. You merely want a resolution as quickly as possible so the tension and fear disappear. It will – once you release the need for a 3D solution.

Relax into your new being. Do not worry about the right words, thoughts, or actions. Merely place your need into the ethers, allowing for new creative solutions you would have never discovered if 3D solutions continued to materialize.

Let go. Relax. All is wonderfully well in your life as you accept your new being with its amazing new skills. Most important for this message is the ability to discover and accept new solutions to 3D concerns. So be it. Amen.