In this moment...the Universe wants YOU to know...

In this moment...the Universe wants YOU to know...

by Matt Kahn


Dear Beautiful,

Disappointment is not a sign you are lacking alignment or operating at a low frequency. During any moment of disappointment, expectations are spontaneously shattered in order to expand the parameters of your awareness. This occurs as life’s way of preparing you to welcome in new creations of reality beyond the scope and measure of your previously envisioned desires.

While these new creations may differ from the outcomes you have been envisioning, the Universe insists on bringing you such unexpected experiences, simply because they ensure a deeper sense of fulfillment than the outcomes you’ve held in mind. Imagine how incredible it is that life is bringing you an even greater sense of happiness, freedom and joy -- and through a specifically-orchestrated sequence of events you could never have envisioned before.

When entrenched in ego, it is common to only believe happiness is possible through the specific outcomes and circumstances imagined. Beyond the limiting view of ego consciousness, you come to realize that life intends to bring you more inspiration, passion, ecstasy, relief and love, and is able to deliver it into your reality once your mind is no longer attached to what must occur in order for these experiences to be. Thus, it is the fierce grace of an all-knowing, all-loving, omnipresent and ever-merciful Universe orchestrating every outcome to shatter expectations and expand the lens of your perception.

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As the grace of disappointment unhooks you from insisting what “must be” in order to live as you desire, you are swiftly escorted into new chapters of your existence. From this space, you are free to feel and express the perfection of your light through the miracle of your senses, while allowing the journey of life to take the lead in how it all unfolds.

In this moment, the Universe wants you to know its plan for your most insatiable life is unfolding with exact precision.

As this truth is accepted, you may realize how free will isn’t meant to control the fate of outcome. Instead, it is choosing to see each encounter as divinely-inspired orchestrations of fate, only blazing a trail in to the celebration of your highest destiny from this moment forward.

May disappointment release you from the inner grip of control throughout a life that has such incredible plans for you that merely giving you what you want would be gifting you with so much less than what’s already coming your way.

Please enjoy this yummy, love-filled newsletter. I hope to connect with you soon.

All For Love,

Matt Kahn