COMMANDER ASHTAR SHERAN ~ FORCE UPDATE. No More Adrenochrome, They’ll Pay, Pay and Pay.
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Inverential Peace beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I greet you with the love of my heart. I am very happy to connect with you tonight. I have a short message for this humanity. Search in the infinite love of your hearts, open up and live in love, open up to the light.
They will be able to see the whole situation on a planetary level, as the whole planet trembles. We are in crucial moments beloved, but what matters is a great and powerful attendance.
Ships, Prime Mother Ships are entering the solar system to help the system, the planet. They have been able to see activated volcanoes, situations with the elements, especially the element of water. Everywhere in the world, in places where there used to be deserts, now there is vegetation. Atmospheric conditions in many places have changed, and how can they interpret this? they are changes that are affecting the planet, they are changes that they are helping in this process of ascension.
The planet needs to reconfigure, it needs to be cleaned. All this, as we always tell you, is a cyclical thing. We have proximity each time to planet Nibiru, hercolobes, planet X or whatever the planet scientists like to call it.
I tell you beloved, that there is little time left for the negative forces of the planet. Systems are reconfiguring, changing. The systems of the planet are seeing improvement in some sectors. Now with the Quantum financial system changing, the health system is also changing as we have said..
But my beloveds, this is a meanwhile. As we were going to co-create this world, we are going to move forward all united, the beings of light helping to reconfigure this planet. This Christic dodecahedrical mesh that feeds on all the programs, yes. Programs already installed, but also of everything that the inhabitants of the planet believe, longing for a better, more peaceful world, free in harmony, in peace, in prosperity. And this slowly my beloved, slowly we are in this cycle.
Do you ever wonder why so many people changing plans?. Because the energies that enter the planet are very intense. Portals after portals, universal energy, cosmic entering, the frequency of the planet increases, the vibration and vibration of all light beings rises, because we are influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field which in turn is also affected by the incoming energies.
It’s time for change, those who have not endured have left and those who are enduring are going through situations perhaps, symptoms of this change that human is experiencing, to become human light.
Those beings who are going to transfer to the fifth dimension will do so with these current bodies, but more subtle, more transformed. And so this whole transformation brings with it certain symptoms, certain ailments.
The dark elite is lurking, but there we have them, surrounded, guarded, wanting to start a war, wanting to throw the last shots at this humanity, to annihilate it. We have already told them, that in no way, no detonation of nuclear weapons will be allowed. They can threaten and they can say, they can flaunt their big tech, but the truth is, we have them surrounded.
And don’t be scared, don’t be afraid, because it’s a strategy to lower the frequency. We have also cordoned off the satellites from where they are implanting low-frequency energies to everyone. No more, no more harm to this humanity with those beings that are awakening, which are many, want to pay them back. We will not allow the corrupt elites to do so and they will leave. Everything is already ready, for total surrender. They want to establish global chaos, they don’t want to let go of planetary power, but their days are running out and everyone will be held accountable in the high courts, and the clones they have here, like paper to the wind, will fly away.
Beloved, the topic of the tunnels is all monitored, controlled. They still insist on some spots, but we’ve got them under control. No more child sacrifice. No more adrenochrome, they’ll pay, pay and pay. It’s no longer a secret to anyone everything they do secretly, all their plans, the alleged plandemics and the ones they want to launch.
Everything is falling apart for them again. They want to start new plandemics, we won’t allow it and humanity is alert, very alert.
Well beloved, I told you it was a short message, I have reached out. I say to all mankind as I told them at the beginning.
In that heart let there be love, let there be peace and tranquility. Seek to be healed, seek to be activated, we are already in defining, definitive times. Don’t be afraid, move away from mainstream media who will never tell you the truth.
I say goodbye with all my love.
I Am Commander Ashtar Sheran, Inverential Peace
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS -08/12/2024
Ishtar Ashtar Adonai