Rebirth of the Divine Human

Rebirth of the Divine Human

Greetings to You! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

The matrix reached its expiration date in 2012.

Since then, all of its structures have been on a gradual downward spiral. And now the collapse is accelerating.

Nothing is going to stop this shift. Nothing is going to save the old ways of the system.

You are in the times of transcendence.

In religious terms, the Rapture.

The Resurrection or rebirth of the Divine human is taking place.

You are entering a new realm of existence, and the next stage of evolution without going through the ‘death’ process. This is ascension. This is the Second Coming of the Chrystalline(Christ) Consciousness being born via the heart portal of the human being.

Be kind, be loving, be open to expansion, and trust in the Divine. Feel the shift within, and without, and understand that for you the game of duality has come to an end. You are transcending the illusions, and returning home, to love, to oneness, to the Divine way of being.

All the light to you!