The Collective of Ascended Masters: What’s Right A

The Collective of Ascended Masters: What’s Right Around the Corner for Humanity

Channel: Daniel Scranton | Source

Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.

We awaken within you new knowings of who you really are. They are new to you, but they are ancient in many ways and timeless even. You are there to be awakened, to be activated, to unlock what is inside of you and that is why this is the most exciting time for humanity on Earth that there has ever been. Just imagine how much stored energy and information there is inside that physical body of yours with its trillions of cells. 

Think about how many experiences you are drawing from in this lifetime on Earth of ascension. You are there to complete a cycle, a cycle of incarnating, dying and being reborn into the physical there on Earth. It takes a lot of energy to do that. Therefore, you have a lot of energies inside of you that are to be accessed by you, and there are even more energies coming in to inspire you and to remind you of what you are made of. 

Anything that you see in any of us and in any of the lives that we’ve lived there on Earth is also inside of you, and you get activated when you simply consider what someone like Yeshua did. You are activated by the compassion of his mother, Mary, by the peace and the wisdom of the Buddha. You are inspired by the lives we’ve lived, and from where we sit right now, we can call you forth into those same energies that we were able to find within ourselves during our lives on Earth. We remind you of who you really are, and we call you forth to what we have become since those lives we’ve lived on your planet.

These are exciting times indeed, as you get to co-create with the other eight billion human beings on your planet, and you benefit from what each and every one of them is dreaming into existence, is calling forth and manifesting. Joining together energetically with your fellow humans is as powerful as reaching up to all of us in the twelfth dimension. We want you to recognize that you have powerful beings all around you who you can activate and draw forth more of those energies from.

You are meant to receive help from above and to help one another, as this is a group effort and a universal ascension, and we invite you to see your fellow humans as containing everything inside of them that you have seen us do and be in our lives on Earth, and we want you to know that the best is yet to come. The best of life on Earth is right around the corner for you all, and you are the ones who are consciously calling it forth and aligning with it. And we appreciate each and every one of you to the same extent that you appreciate us. But we see more potential within you than we had access to in our lives, and that excites us about life on Earth in the present moment you find yourselves living in. 

That is all for now. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters, and we are always amongst you.