++++Lady Nada via James McConnell, August 20, 2017

Lady Nada via James McConnell, August 20th, 2017



I AM Lady Nada. It is wonderful to be with you at this time in these changes that are approaching as this feminine energy is coming to balance the masculine energy.

It has been coming for a very long time now but it is about to increase many-fold as these energies that are coming into the Earth and are being symbolized and catalyzed by this great event that is happening tomorrow the 21st of August and that being the solar eclipse. That being the energy change that is going to catapult many new changes to come to this planet. This is a beginning, a beginning energy, a wave of energy you might call it, that is being released from the sun from the solar sun but first from the Galactic Central Sun as well, that these energies are now going to be coming into the planet more and more.

And if you have been feeling these rising energies over some time now, you are about to experience even more energy even more rise of these energies because so much is ready, to use the expression ‘explode’ on this planet. Explode in a wonderful array of light and love and a shift in consciousness that is going to propel all of the people on this planet into a new direction, a new direction that leads them to a balanced state within them.

All of this is about coming into balance. All of this is about bringing the masculine energy that has been so dominant over so long a period of time, not to diminish, but to become equal to that feminine energy, that Goddess energy that has been re-released now. It has been for some time but it is now going to begin to cascade into this planet like you have never felt before. Many of you, after this shift happens tomorrow, will begin to feel these energies and you feel it as a balance; you will feel it as a love that is emanating from deep within Gaia herself. And you will feel the energies coming forward and you will feel the animals and the plants all feeling this new energy, this new love energy, this new energy that is bringing the shift in consciousness which you have all so long awaited.

This is not The Event as has been spoken of but it is in many ways the beginnings of it. You have had many waves of energy come through previously and they have been coming to continue to acclimate you, all of you, to these energies. But I tell you now that these energies are going to increase many fold. And you will feel and understand this as it happens.

And many of you will feel a sense of bliss come over you that you have not yet felt. Others of you may feel some trepidation. Many of you will also feel some sense of … not illness, we would not say that but you may feel some symptoms that you have not felt before. Or if you have had these symptoms they may increase for just a short period of time but that will only be for a minute period of time here. You will all feel this expression in different ways.

This is somewhat of a precursor of when the full Event happens to prepare you, to ready you for this shift and changeover that is very much coming closer and closer. It is time now for all of you, all of you, to begin to move within yourself more and more fully; to find that source energy within you that is being reawakened in many of you. Many of you have already felt this awakening but you are going to feel it much more than you have previously. And all of those out there that have no idea of this awakening will begin to awaken as well. Where you are out in your public, when you are there and you are meeting new people, new people will come and approach you and begin to speak and talk about these things in wide-eyed amazement because they have not understood this up to now. Because up to now they have been asleep just as you were asleep many months and maybe even many years ago. But now you have awakened and so are many, many more are going to awaken because of this celestial event or rather the celestial events that have been happening and are going to continue to happen as you continue to move closer and closer into this Aquarian Age and closer to the New Golden Age.

I AM Lady Nada. I love you dearly more than you can imagine at this point. So many of you are my brothers and sisters my dear friends along with my wonderful partner and twin soul as you know Sananda we are all in this working together bringing this about as much as we can. But as you have heard many, many, many times, you are the ones that are making these changes. You are the ones that are what you have been waiting for. We are only here to assist and work with you as we can.

All of my peace and love be with all of you. I love you dearly.


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