The Telosians: New Earth Demands that Time...

The Telosians: New Earth Demands that Linear Time Disappear

Channel: Marie Josée Andichou | Source

We are happy to meet you again, dear children of planet Earth. Once again we will make you understand what concerns your evolution, the spiritual evolution of all humans. As you know, there is currently a very powerful increase in Celestial Energies towards the Earth and its inhabitants.

These Energies are somewhat stirring up a large number of you, either through poor sleep, repeated fatigue or small, annoying physical problems. If all this is happening, it is because it is important that your bodies adapt to the Crystalline Energies that are coming towards you, enveloping you but, also and above all, transforming your bodies.

Some of you are wondering if carbon bodies will still exist or if they will be replaced by crystalline bodies. We will tell you this: the energies of the third dimension that you are leaving, were of a heaviness due to the carbon included in your cells. But the human being growing in the understanding of True Life sees his cells, his DNA transmuted into Crystalline Energy.

It cannot be otherwise because, as you know, the New Earth is presenting itself to you quickly. You notice and have noticed that time passes very quickly as if the minutes, the hours were compressed in order to reduce your days and give you the impression of a non-time. This is indeed what is happening. The New Earth, that is to say the Earth of Crystalline Light, requires lightness, and non-time.

The New Earth requires that the linear time that you live disappear in order to project you into the time of True Life, the time where everything is lived at the same time: past, present and future. This is difficult to understand for you who have lived for eons to the rhythm of hours, days and months. Of course, it is not tomorrow that you will live non-time but it is being strongly prepared and you have proof of it by the speed with which your days unfold.

We know that many of you are wondering about how the change to the New Earth will happen. We tell you: have no fear, it will happen with great gentleness, that is to say that you will find yourself one day in a situation where you will feel different. “Feeling different” will mean that you will feel great gentleness in you and around you, you will feel that Respect is present around you and this will enchant you.

Of course, as we have already said, this will come to you after the almost total dissolution of the embezzlement, manipulation and thoughtless lies that are continuously inflicted on you by those who still want to lead you into decadence. But, as you know, as we have already told you many times, the lives of all these humans, yet very… very few in number, will find themselves facing the end of their desires for power over you. We know that they are trying everything right now and for a few more months, but these are the surges of the hunted being who no longer knows how to get out of this imbroglio in which he has gotten himself lost.

Have confidence in Life, have confidence in the transformations that are happening in you, even if in your families, among your friends some look at you askance because you are evolving, because you are growing in Love and Pure Light. Have confidence in Life concerning your detractors because, at a certain moment, they too will be able to have the trigger of Pure Love and Pure Light and they will be able to understand who they are and what True Life is.

Dear children of Earth, whatever may happen in the coming months, center yourself in your heart, meet your Divine Being which is the Great Power of Love and Light that the Creator has instilled in you. We are here to support you, to help you grow but we do not and will not do for you the work of evolution that you need to grow spiritually.

We accompany you with Great Love.