Message of The Day

“The veil is diminishing, and where… because for some the veil is thicker than for others, because the point of this journey, the point of you loving yourself in this form, present on Gaia right now, is for you not to wander off! There are many of you that would simply wander off and forget about the beautiful being that is sitting here on Terra Gaia in service and in harmony and in love right now. And your help, as the fulfillment of the Mother’s Dream in this essential reality, is desired, is needed, is required. You volunteered!
Now how do you anchor more completely in this human form, in this human ascending, ascended form?
By loving yourself, by celebrating yourself, by embracing yourself.
So that is why we say, “Celebrate! Celebrate the truth and the wholeness of who you are, because you are love – and you are so deeply loved.” Jesus Sananda
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.