By Shanta Gabriel, www.shantagabriel.com

The Teachers We Need

Posted: 27 Dec 2016

Inspiration for the Week

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

This message from Archangel Gabriel is encouraging you to go within for answers that you are seeking, even if that feels frustrating.

The Gabriel Message Card for this Week

The Teachers You Seek are Love and Wisdom. They are Within You.

There have been times when I received this card and wanted to shout, That’s easy for you to say, I’m asking for help here!

Most days, I can take a breath and remember that this card is really expressing my highest Truth and I need to make the effort to take time to find my center. After I feel more balanced, I can usually find that still place within that enables me to ask the right questions, which is often one of the reasons I don’t have the answers I am seeking.

Over the years I have appreciated working with many different teachers on the physical level. I needed them to show me a new way of perceiving at important times in my life. All the great teachers I have known have made themselves obsolete by giving me the tools of consciousness that I needed to become more resourceful. However, much of the time I just wanted them to tell me what I needed to know and help me live my life. Giving away my power was common.

Just to be clear, I need inspiration on a daily basis. And sometimes I receive this spiritual food from teachers who are in a physical body. I find taking classes very nourishing and stimulating at times, and they can jumpstart my spirit just when I most need it. I only seem to get into trouble when I lose my sovereignty by believing everything another person says, or thinking they have THE answers for my life.

I have been fortunate to be with a number of teachers who have acted as guides and way-showers for me. Most of them demonstrated what it looked like to live consciously and shared the tools and techniques that helped them reach that state. Some of these tools were helpful and some were not. It was important for me to learn to feel my inner resonance when the teachings applied to me.

When I met my guru in 1977, I was sure that I had met someone who would finally take over the responsibility for my life. It was true that life was very structured in the ashram and I did not have time to think about the world. But even my guru, a very enlightened being, told us not to be attached to his body because he was there to give us practices to raise our consciousness. He said that even though he was providing spiritual food, it was more important that he teach us how to connect directly to God. That way we would be able to take our spiritual practice into the world and help others. He was very clear that service was one of the most powerful things that we could do in life and would lead to our own Self-realization.

There were also years when I was a “workshop junkie.” I showed up for whatever the newest class was that came along, hoping that it would be the magic key to my transformation. Most of the advertisements even said explicitly that the workshop would do that very thing for me. I went to them in a receptive mode, totally open, and possibly desperate. Many times I would end up disappointed, and worse, confused and broke.

I tried so hard to do it right. During those times I did not realize how much energy I was investing in information that was not appropriate for me. I was giving my power away to people that could only tell me what worked for them, even though there were those that made it sound like if I did not “get it,” something was wrong with me. I was not feeling very good about myself during those years.

When I started working with Archangel Gabriel in 1990, it was a new experience to receive my own guidance. It took a long time for me to learn to trust myself. It felt alien to the way I grew up. Archangel Gabriel was very clear that my Higher Self was the most important connection I could create. He taught me that this more enlightened part of myself was aware of my Soul’s purpose; that it acted as a gatekeeper to my consciousness, filtering information and guidance so that I was receiving from those sources that were in my highest good.

This new link to my Higher Self was the transformative tool I had been looking for. It took time, however, to exercise that muscle so that I was aware of my Truth in the face of someone else’s. Asking for what I needed was part of the key to receiving, as it turned out. It was a new experience to begin listening to myself.

We all need outside teachers along the way, and I know that my inner guidance has brought me into contact with just the right people at the right time. And there are other ways that we are awakened. I have blessed moments when something bubbles up inside me and I feel inspired to inner Wisdom, especially when I am in Nature. There are times when a book will fall open to the answer I was looking for. Sometimes a conversation with a friend will point me in the right direction, or I will listen to a teleconference that really inspires me. Synchronicity is one of my best teachers right now, and it lets me know I am not alone and my guidance system is working very well.

We are blessed to have so many beautiful way-showers, teachers and healers on the Earth to point the way for us. We are also learning to be very discerning and aware of the inner guidance resonating in our own hearts to let us know what is appropriate for our Soul’s experience at this time.

Within us is a voice that knows what is Truth for us, and the more we trust ourselves, the more powerful this inner voice becomes. It is like a muscle that becomes stronger the more we use it. With the empowered Light frequencies available on the Earth now, we have an even greater channel to our Soul and the guidance it is offering. There is Truth and Wisdom within us and we are becoming the teachers, leaders and way-showers for the empowered life newly awakening in our world.

Divine Presence,

Thank you for your ever-present guidance within my life, and for opening the channels to my Highest Self so I can receive wisdom more gracefully. I am so grateful that I am not alone, and your inspiration is there for me, when I take time to listen to my heart. Thank you for the discernment to know what is appropriate for me at all times, and the resonance I feel within when the guidance is right for me to follow. May I be a clear channel for Love and Wisdom within my being, now and always. And so it is.


The Gabriel Messages #49

The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom. They are within you.

Dear One,

You have within you all the love and wisdom you need to be whole and live in a holy way in the world. Each time you seek outside yourself for these qualities, you find a little more of your confidence and self-esteem slipping away.

This is not to say that you should not seek advice from others. But when this advice is received, there must be a time of reflection before you act on it. When advice is appropriate for you to act on, there will be a sense of resonance within you, a little feeling of rightness, if not a wholehearted “Yes!”

Sensitivity to this resonance can be developed. Pray to know what is in your highest good beyond a shadow of a doubt, and be willing to act when this knowing is clear. This is taking responsibility for your life, and will pay off in large future dividends as you begin to know the truth within yourself, and act accordingly.

Looking to others for your truth throws your whole body out of balance. Energy moves into the head as you strain to listen only with the mind and not the heart or your gut. The old sayings about gut-level knowing is extremely valuable. This way of knowing goes beyond common sense, to an uncommon sense of what is right for you. No one else can tell you what is right for you. Pray to know your own Truth.

This is a time of change on the planet. Many are finding that the old ways no longer work. Businesses are struggling; so are families, relationships, and governments. It seems the challenges are so large that the answers are unclear. We can know that if we were enlightened enough in any situation, we would see that there is always an inspired and creative solution. We can affirm and pray for this in the world, as well as within our own lives.

All that goes on in our outer world is only a reflection of our inner world. So when we begin trusting our own answers within, these small steps will lead to leaping bounds in our lives. We have spoken of the resonance available within when others speak to you of what they believe is correct action for you to take. This same inner knowing is the mechanism to be used when you look to your own inner guidance.

Take the time to stop and breathe, before acting. The breath holds the connection to Divine Guidance. Experience this feeling now, as your energy field expands along with your body when you breathe deeply. Feel your feet connecting to the earth and notice the Pillar of Golden Light bringing energy from above your head to below your feet. As you do this, you become a Bridge from Heaven to Earth.

Now you are ready to listen to the loving Truth and Wisdom within you, and remember your message from the Angels today:

The teachers you seek are Love and Wisdom. They are within you.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel

December 25, 2016



A Special Message from Shanta about
11:11 Light Codes in the New Year

Synchronicity abounds for this most sacred New Year’s Blessing! Here’s the story.

On December 1, I began an 11-day spiritual ritual. More than 50 people joined me, before the busyness of the holidays would come, to create a dedicated spiritual practice to Birth New Light within us and for the Earth.

It was such a delicious experience that many said they did not want to stop. I personally loved our dedicated practice so much that I vowed to begin 2017, from January 1 to January 11, with another 11-day spiritual ritual to honor the new beginnings and transformation this numeric 1 year brings. (For those not familiar with numerology, each digit of 2017 adds up to 10, which is then reduced to 1.)

Over this busy month, I received emails from several people about the influx of the Sacred Feminine energy that was building, and my own messages from Archangel Gabriel concurred.

Then this week, I received a newsletter from Patricia Cota Robles who said, “Your Light is Needed Now!” She spoke about the download of Light from the Mother Mary and the importance of grounding this light on the planet…wait for it…from January 1 to January 11! She said because 2017 is a 1 year, it activates the 11:11 codings for Divinity in our DNA.

I was excited to think that thousands of people will also be doing a dedicated spiritual practice at the beginning of the New Year. I told my new Web angel, Andrea, about my idea of doing another group ritual. Being very overworked at this time, she was only lukewarm. But then, she received an email from a dear friend who forwarded Patricia’s newsletter to her. When she told me about it, I got chicken skin!

Please join us!

I invite you to join this sacred gathering from January 1 to January 11 to anchor the Light of the Divine Feminine and Well-being on the Earth for the year of 2017.

As thousands of people join in anchoring the power of the 11:11 Light of Divinity into their own DNA, we also are supported by the Archangels who use that 11:11 frequency to open the sacred gateways into the realms of Intentional Manifestation.

I am doing a special Sanskrit mantra for the Welfare of All Beings, and you are invited to join me. My guru called it an Anusthan, and it holds ancient powers to bless not only those who are involved, but to radiate special blessings into the world.

I will send more information about this sacred practice next week.

Whether you join me or not, please take the time from January 1 to January 11 for your own focused intentions. These frequencies bring the perfected patterns of Awakening into the hearts and minds of all humanity and bring great blessings to the Earth for 2017.

Many blessings on this sacred day,