Ascension Update

Ascension Update
Yesterday I had an interesting long conversation with a very close confidante. As always, we talked about God and the world and everything that moves us. Exciting were two important topics that are probably present in the "field" for many lightworkers. Well, on in the text ... So on the one hand we talked about partnership and what you could do to attract the "right one" into your life. After hearing the message of the Arcturian group yesterday I realized once more why so many lightworkers/Starseeds etc. are "loners" and what life is really about.
1. Topic partnerships (for the permanent singles among you)
From an early age, we were taught through so many channels: parents, romance films, society, and also the church that we would be here to find a partner for life, to have children, and to live happily ever after. This is such a firmly anchored pattern in many people that they are constantly desperate in search of the One, which makes them forget something crucial: namely to find themselves first. Many are looking for their happiness outside, which will NEVER be found there, and if so only temporarily. Then I asked my guides what it was all about ... And they said to me, and this is not new: We are here to find ourselves and to remember who we really are and for the divine spark in everyone People are designed to shine. Society told us that we would only be worth something and complete if we had found our other half and then looked at us pityingly when we had been alone for a long time and gave us the feeling that something was wrong with us, even though we lived totally satisfied and in truth, the others somehow followed a "wrong track" ... I think one or the other knows that ..... Haha
So we lived / live happily in the exploration of our self and feel good, one with ourselves and do not have the feeling of needing someone else. Of course, here and there a feeling of need for closeness arises. But those of us who are already a little more advanced know that mindfulness applies here too with whom we connect, as there is always an energetic exchange and this can serve us if it takes place with a very conscious person, or if it has our potential To confuse the energy field and then we have to do again to arrive at ourselves. Many lightworkers tend to live secluded and pay attention to their energies and how they use them.
With a partner there might be the risk of losing ourselves and of getting into dependencies that could divert and distract us from our path and our task. Therefore, many unconsciously choose loneliness and at least during this time they are not yet ready to share their energy field, except, as I said, possibly with another very conscious soul. This would then result in a valuable potentiation. So don't worry if you're still single. On the contrary, you are living what it is really about and why we came here. Not primarily to multiply but to help the earth and the collective ascend by growing, remembering and finding US.
I know that may not be what you might be wanted to hear but feel inside yourself whether this is right for you. If we find ourselves as well as the divine love in US we don't need anything from someone else, we are in this state connected with ourselves and one with everything, a much higher love that with the love between man and woman absolutely not is comparable and a suitable partner (with whom we manage to stay with us, which can be a huge challenge especially in the phase of being in love) only an addition, so to speak, the cherry on the cake but would never be the meaning of our life. Do you understand?
2. Topic Spiritual Development
The other question of my confidants, which I found very interesting, was: If we can now manifest better and better, why can't we then manifest the famous bang / sun flash what ever that finally ALL people wake up?
Or even better, go to a therapist who will do this for us, i.E. Bring us back to our primal memory of our divinity. I found the approach exciting and thought very efficiently (typically Zodiac Sign Virgo) ;) So I asked my guides again inside and they came through very directly and almost had to smile a little. As I said, the approach is not bad in itself, but that would mean that we could just sit lazily on the couch and someone else do the "dirty work" for us. But that's not how it works here and it was never intended that way.
We came here with certain tasks that we set ourselves and are here to gain experience and not to take the quickest and easiest route or a shortcut. I'm sorry to have to say that, but that's the way it is. Each of us is allowed to clean up and muck out our dark basement and there is no one we could pay for it and even if we would lie to ourselves and our higher self and the divinely Source simply cannot be "cheated". It's about truthfulness, integrity and authenticity and that means that we must / may do something for it if we want to develop further. Where I come to the next point.
Why can't there be an event for "Boom" that wakes everyone up at the same time, and the spook is over in a snap of the finger? And why are they all at such different stages of development that some look unsettled at their neighbors, who may have already progressed further in their development, compare themselves with them and feel intimidated or even inferior as a result?
So we know that there are still many people who are arrested in 3D (no judgement) and have no idea what 5D could be at all. In the meantime we receive new updates almost every day, which can lead to symptoms of ascent even in very advanced lightworkers because our physical solid body is quite busy to integrate this. Now imagine you would bombard a still "unawakened" person with all the information that we have acquired for years / several incarnations with a lot of work and effort in order to expand our consciousness and thus to be open to all the "spooky stuff" which is now normal for us. Such a "3D person" would go crazy with the amount of information, go crazy or his skull would burst. Just as even the very advanced among us can communicate with higher dimensions, it would still be a moment of shock for us if ET suddenly appeared in front of us. At the moment it is still the case that the higher beings have to lower their frequency and we in turn increase enormously in order to be able to contact them at all or to see them, which can be very exhausting for both sides and can only be maintained for a short time. It's like that for people in 3D with us, you know?
So here it is important to introduce people slowly, step by step so that they can fragment their hard drive first to create space for new downloads. Everyone does this at their own pace. Of course, there will also be those who have decided to stay in 3D on the soul level, we can accept that too. Let's stay on our OWN journey without constantly looking to the left or right, because everyone is doing their best, is very much appreciated and is exactly where he is. Ok, again that's not what we wanted to hear, but hey the good news is, that more and more people are opening up to spirituality and energies every day and instinctively feeling that there is more than just the physical world and we are just that Pioneers and pave the way. Yes that requires a lot of patience, strength, and understanding and sometimes we would like to start a roundabout and wake everyone up, but that's not how it works!
Have a little patience, the energies will soon be much lighter. Everything is exactly as it should be.
Channeled by Kate Hill