Archangel Michael: Words of Peace

Archangel Michael: Words of Peace

Channel: Lee Degani | Source

Greetings, I am Michael, Archangel Mi-cha-el, Warrior of Peace, angel of blue and I come to you today with words of peace.

You have a saying, “Sticks and stones will break my bones but words can never hurt me.” And that is true beloved, when you use my sacred shield to shield yourself from the words that can harm, the words that can do damage.

But words can do harm and words can do damage. And so I ask you to be part of my army of warriors that subscribes to the idea of words of peace. For just as words can harm, words can heal.

Now, I have come to you before bringing you the idea, the notion, the tools, that you may be a gardener of peace. But beloved, what are the seeds? What are the seeds that are going into that garden to make the beautiful flowers of peace, of love, of joy?

The seeds are the words, the seeds are your thoughts that become the words, that become real, that become the things that manifest.

And so I ask you to decide what kind of words will you be planting in my garden which is your garden of peace?

Each word that you utter, will sprout. It will grow, it will take form and it will also bring seeds for other words of the same to find their place in the dirt and also grow. For words flock together. They find others of the same vibration, the same energy and they form a group.

So what do I ask of thee?

Not to go out and tell others that they are wrong, that they are using words of war. And words of war can be anything that is not of Love, that is not of the divine qualities.

What I ask you to do is to focus on yourself, concentrate, be mindful of the words you are planting. Are you planting seeds of love with your words? Or are you planting seeds of war -seeds of dishonor, seeds of anger?

And yes, there are the times when you must use your words to help to transmute the emotions you are feeling that you do not wish to feel, you wish to have ride through your body and leave.

But even then beloved, your words of peace, your words of joy, your words of love are always the answer.

Know that when the words of war come to you, that they can be transmuted not only through your thoughts but use the Light that is always brought to you, especially AAUriel, angel of Light as his silver flame, that is always at your disposal.

The words can turn silver and not the silver of war, but the silver glittering dreams of joy and peace.

And so I leave with you these thoughts, these thoughts of peace, these thoughts of how you can move forward.

Yes, we have many times come to you with these words, with these ideas in different ways, in different fashions.

But I come today beloved, to bring you this way of seeing, of this way of understanding, as a gentle reminder, a gentle reminder for your heart that you are one of my warriors, one of my warriors of peace. Otherwise, you would not be privy to this message.

And so I leave you with words of Love.

Carry on beloveds. You are treasured, you are admired and you are greatly loved.
