Beloved Ones, As the storms move through a certain portion of the planet, wreaking havoc and destruction in their wake, the people are asked to go within to discover what, within themselves attracts this activity. Everything in life upon the planet is a reflection of its inhabitants, of that which is held in the mass consciousness, the collective consciousness. This is what creates the reality for each person and right now, what is playing out is the manifestation in actuality of that which has been held within a great amount of humanity. This is seen within every political system, this is seen within the people who are testing the waters, testing the illusions that were created, that anyone through hard work can aspire to become a leader of their country. This concept is now being tested and what is seen is, that, yes, it is possible, but the person who runs to be a leader in their country based on those premises meets with the greatest of resistance and this is what we from the higher realms, see. And it must play out, for it is the citizens of those countries who ultimately make that choice that requires their active participation. In the process flawed though it is, throughout the planet all of the old paradigm system that is now crumbling is being tested by those individuals who have been a part of it and want to make changes. There is resistance from those who were in control, those who desire to control and manipulate the populations in their countries to their own ends. As they try to do this, they are finding that what worked before quite easily is now questioned and worked around by people of their country. What they are trying to accomplish does not come as expected and there is a backlash that they must deal with. |
It is a time of great discernment for the people of the world, they must be discerning and go within their heart to receive counsel from the higher aspects of their being - that which never fails to inform and guide each one upon their spiritual journey that was chosen before they incarnated. So we say, be observant, be discerning and do not become embroiled in the dramas that are being played out upon the world scene. It is all a process of change and sometimes those changes that are being created must come through friction. Stand fast - believe in yourselves and what you stand for. Everything must be played out as it is at this moment, these moments of transition from one dimension to another. This transition is in its completion stages. And so you as one individual will look upon what is occurring and think that the world is going mad. We ask you to please look for all the good that is occurring which your news media do not touch upon. Search the internet and you will see that the goodness that is within humanity is coming forth in ways that are uplifting and inspiring for all who become so aware. The inherent goodness within each individual is being tapped. Because of the world events, the individual goodness within each individual is being tapped into and is being employed and utilized in positive and loving ways. One does not have to have a global reach in the outward world in order for this to occur. This can happen by one individual sincerely working upon themselves to clear all dysfunctional and disharmonious energies - all that needs clearing from their being. This requires courage and awareness and this is something you the Lightworkers do not lack, this is something you always have been working upon. Know that you are coming to the end of this cycle and it is a cause for celebration for so many of you. Be there for the people who are experiencing chaos and destruction. Send them healing energies. Send the blue Light wherever it is needed, wherever there is uprooting of old forms. Send your Light wherever there is war and destruction to cool and calm those areas and reclaim them for the Light of God that never ever fails. This is important. This is part of the task that you have taken on before incarnating here on the planet. |
Walk with care and caution. As you go about your daily activities during these very turbulent times, know that this is something that occurs, that it is a natural part of the ending of one great cycle and the beginning of another. You are in the dawn of a new age; keep that ever most within your consciousness. All that held humanity and soul evolution back upon this planet is now being dissolved, is fading away into the dawn of a new Light and a new age. Hold that vision, believe in yourselves. Believe in your goodness and the goodness of those around you. Be what you desire to see in the world, be always in your highest integrity, in your highest truth. Let the love from your heart radiate to those around you. Walk in the Light ever and always and know that we are by your side. We magnify the energies of the assistance that you send out to those areas of the world that are in need of it. And we ask that you also send the Light of love through your heart to the hearts that are experiencing directly the effects of these energies as they are playing out in these ending times of this cycle. We are as One as we work together. Until next week… I AM Hilarion 2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her and the same applies to the publishing of her articles in a magazine. Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages. |
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