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Beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I am Lady Nada, I wanted to talk to you today about a topic, and it is self-observation. Self-observation does not mean criticizing ourselves, self-observation means, how much we have advanced with respect to ourselves to the day of yesterday or the days before.
Maybe now we are in a position not only on a physical, mental, spiritual level, but it is to feel that each time we can move forward in those situations that our inner being tells us to improve, that we know that there are always things to improve, because we are in the world of imperfection. We can change internal patterns of thinking, programming. And only we can do it ourselves, self observing.
How bound or bound I am to those precepts that have been imposed on me by society, by the system, by the control matrix. Observe myself in meditation and feel the inner voice that speaks to me, that tells me. Feel how much it could improve in my personality, in my character. Because that character needs to be evicted. We still need him, but we have to educate him, we have to give rules to this character so that he doesn’t break in, so that he won’t overflow. And we do that through self-observation.
Let’s internally visualize those moments when we’re emotionally overwhelmed, analyze the root cause, and see how we can improve or control those causes. In our physical body those excesses, see, observe, that I am ingesting, that I am feeding. Am I feeding the body, or am I making it sick with what I ingest.
Seeing what I feed my body with, gives it energy, strength, is it the ideal fuel to feed it, or is it the opposite. I ingest so much junk food, so much fat, so much dead energy, I know all this hurts me, but I keep ingesting it.
Let’s go with the vices, self-observation, look for the root cause because I’m immersed in the alcohol addiction, because I need the alcohol, the cigarette or the drug. Go into the deepest part of your being and self-observe, what I need, what I lack, because I’m getting into this condition and correct it. Your Divine Presence, your Inner Master will help you. But it is important that we consciously visualize, understand and understand what does not let us move forward, and it is only in individual self-observation, specific to each being in communion with their inner being.
What thoughts I let in and see. Why do I watch so much television, for example, and I don’t spend time on any other activity that gives me more spiritual growth, or growth. I can meditate, I can do gardening instead of programming myself and receiving so much negative information. But me or myself decide. Because it’s my life, it’s my process, each process is done individually. I might need assistance from someone, a therapist to help me.
But we have our I Am who will always be telling us the inner truth.
Beloved, self-observation is very important in this process of spiritual growth and elevation of frequency. Because in the measure of a sincere heart and without deceit we look inward, we look at those causes, we are correcting them, because it may not be for a single moment. Let’s go, let’s make the path that frees us from the old path we’ve fallen, from the old matrix.
Self-observation implies self-elevation, internally they are leaving the character and are taking the position of their true essence, the guide of their true I Am that is their Inner Master.
My beloved, I invite you to do this practice. Go into meditation with the intention of self-observation, go write it down in your diary to see how much you have improved respect to the previous days or months, to see the progress. Remember that this process of ascension is individual, that everyone is responsible from their truth, whether they advance or get caught in the old web, in the net.
This was the message my beloveds. I love them with all my heart and I call them this introspection, this self observation and autocorrect. Bless you all and much success in this great work that will help liberate and heal.
I Am Lady Nada.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 9/11/2024