You Have Chosen Ascension

You Have Chosen Ascension

Greetings! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj!

You, who are reading these words, you are the lightbearers.

You are the souls from the stars. And your purpose on Earth is to anchor the light and love of Source, and help uplift the planet into a higher dimensional reality.

Source is expanding through and with you, as the raising of the galaxies onto their next ring spiral takes place. This is moving all forwards and upwards onto a new level of spiritual evolution.

What is unfolding on Earth is having a ripple effect throughout creation.

Your resonating to these messages is a simple indication that you have chosen Ascension.

You have chosen to permit the opening of your heart, understanding that love is the way, and rise to higher realms of experience.

What to many appears as chaos, to you it is but an emergence of a new light.

Please, maintain a high vibration, so that you remain detached from the expressions of the dissolving matrix.

Remember, you are here to anchor the higher light.

It is not up to you to absorb the energies of chaos, suffering, confusion, and have emotional reactions to outer world events. If you do so, you risk being pulled down into the denser planes of the Fourth Dimension.

You cannot save the world. Let such thoughts go. You can only offer your light, your love, and allow all to choose for themselves.

All the light to You!