Message of The Day

“Lack and limitation does not only indicate or connect to what you think of as this magical money or currency. Archangel Michael has been very clear with you, that what he has been talking about is spiritual currency and it is very important that not a one of you upon this entire planet forget that. This is a spiritual journey. You have access to the riches of the planet equally, equal access. But it is not about a material journey, it is about a spiritual journey, it is about being an angel in form or a master in form…not ‘in the making’ any longer, but in form.
I say this, yes, as your teacher but also as your beloved friend. There is no need, there is no reason, there is no payoff in limiting yourself. You have this expression, and I really like it, that ‘the world is your oyster’. Well, then start harvesting the pearls…especially the pearls of pink that are given to you from Quan Yin, with a grain of sand inside to remind you from whence you have come. But be your lustrous, beautiful self, whether it is a shade of amber or a shade of pink or a beautiful amethyst, it matters not. That is the beauty of diversity; that is the beauty of who you are.” Djwhal khul