The Pleiadian Council of Light:What to Expect Next

The Pleiadian Council of Light: What to Expect Next

Channel: Chellea Wilder | Source

Blessings, we are the Pleiadian Council of Light,

As Most of Humanity are enveloped in the Dramas playing out around the world, Many of you have Discovered the Peace within you. Letting go of the Need to entertain the 3D concepts, you have stepped away from the illusions. You have begun your ascension process.

As you find balance in the Higher 4th dimensional Vibrations, It will be very short-lived, due to the Continuous amplitude of the frequencies, raising you higher into the 5th dimension.

Many of you are currently already in the process of experiencing the heightened Vibrations of the 5th dimension. This shift is a direct result of your conscious efforts to elevate your vibrations through various practices and intentions. By consciously moving in, and out of this Frequency range, you will start noticing profound and transformative changes unfolding within.

One common experience during this transition is the sensation of ringing in the ears or perceiving or actually hearing the shifts within the Frequencies. This can happen as one navigates, between different Vibrational states. These initial encounters with heightened sensory perceptions are considered as early stages towards developing Telepathic abilities. This development will eventually, enable individuals to establish connections with each other, and their Galactic families, through Telepathic communication.

Furthermore, the journey of individuals as they ascend further into the Light is a intense and transformative experience.

Another thing to expect, As you progress along this spiritual path, will be to unlock a deeper remembrance to your Nightly Astral Travels. These mystical journeys through the astral realm provide a gateway to Reality, where you can commune with your Star Families, Many Spiritual Guides, and Angels, on a regular basis. This Plane of Reality, can allow you to traverse anywhere within the Multiverse of existence.

This interaction with your celestial kin is not merely a casual encounter; rather, it is a sacred communion that often leads to great insights, spiritual guidance, and immense personal growth.

The guidance and support provided by your Celestial Families during these astral travels can serve as a beacon of light, illuminating your path and helping you navigate the complexities of life with Love and grace.

Embracing the higher frequencies is a transformative journey, that allows you to attune yourselves to the Infinite Light, and establish a deeper connection with The Prime Creator.

Another advantage of tuning into these elevated vibrations, and What is expected next to experience, is that individuals will begin to tap into the vast wellspring of cosmic information that flows through the fabric of the Multiverse.

Often likened to an ethereal library, Akashic records hold the collective wisdom and experiences of every soul that has ever existed. It is a cosmic database that transcends time and space, encapsulating the intricate details of each soul’s journey through the vast Multiverse.

Within the Akashic Records lie the secrets of past lives, shedding light on the lessons learned and the karmic patterns woven through time. They also provide insights into current circumstances, offering clarity and guidance for navigating the complexities of the present moment. Furthermore, these records also unveil potential futures, presenting endless possibilities that can shape one’s path towards spiritual evolution.

Exploring the Akashic Records is like embarking on an adventure of Inner-discovery and enlightenment. By tapping into this cosmic information reservoir, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their purpose, unravel the mysteries of their existence, and align with their true essence. It serves as a roadmap for spiritual growth, leading seekers towards profound revelations and transformative experiences that illuminate the path towards higher consciousness.

As you open yourselves up to these higher frequencies, they invite a flow of wisdom and guidance that can illuminate your path, towards greater understanding and enlightenment. So Much is changing within you.

As the frequencies shift within, so too does the external reality. Relationships, opportunities, and experiences will undergo an intense transformation, reflecting your own inner changes taking place. This period of transition can be both exhilarating and adventurous, as individuals navigate the unknown with a newfound sense of courage and purpose.

By opening yourself up to the higher frequencies of the 5th Dimension, it becomes a gateway to your inner-discovery and spiritual evolution. It is a process of shedding the layers of illusion and limitation to reveal The Light that resides within you.

We Love you, and are here with you.We are the Pleiadian Council of Light.