Mike Quinsey (Channeling) Update - September 30, 2016
Posted: 30 Sep 2016 10:20 AM PDT

The magnitude of what is happening is beyond your complete understanding, but know that you are privileged to be the Ones who are directly experiencing such a wonderful time. Indeed you are those who have been chosen to ascend in your physical bodies, and it will be a unique event. Realise that at a certain level the “old” Earth body will change to one that is of a much higher vibration. A pleasant surprise will be that you cannot in fact carry forward anything less than the perfected version of your body, free of all the blemishes and defects associated with the old Earthly vibrations. However, do not expect too much too soon, and all will come in good time for your Ascension. Enjoy your vision of the new Earth free of all restraints and opposition from those who only serve Self. Stay centered and positive and do not be misled by what is happening around you. You can stand in the midst of all the troubles as a shining Light that will lift others up.
The Illuminati are creating their own downfall, but will never stop trying to achieve their ambition of ruling the world. They would stop at nothing to do so and like a wounded animal are at their most dangerous when their position is threatened. Rest assured that whatever they do will be to no avail, as their days are numbered and defeat is staring them in the face. It is no wonder that so much is happening at once, but out of the chaos will come the most encouraging signs that will clearly signal the manifestation of a New Age. You of the Light are on your way up and soon will reach the point of change where you leave the old energies behind for good, and enjoy the fruits of your progress.
When you ascend you will not need any of your “belongings” as everything you are likely to need already exists in the higher dimensions. Also you will have the power to create according to your needs, as the power of thought will enable you to have exactly what you desire. Mind sets will change and since you can “think” your needs into existence there will be no need to accumulate wealth. Money will already have been dispensed with as it will be no longer needed. Many other welcome changes will take place as the New Age is fully implemented.
Each of you were chosen to be present at such an important time, as all have something to offer that will help manifest the new energies. You are old souls who have had so many incarnations and have progressed so well that you are potentially ready to ascend. You have learnt all that the lower vibrations have to offer having been well tested in the fires of duality, and able to overcome the many challenges you have encountered. You are due your reward by leaving the lower vibrations behind and entering the bliss and joy of the higher vibrations.
Just imagine how exciting it will be to meet other Races who have been waiting such an opportunity to meet you, having been previously directed not to interfere with your evolution. There are others who are simply interested in making friends and sharing their advanced knowledge with you. There are also those who have followed your development and realise that you are soon to rise up with Mother Earth. Those of the lower vibrations will also move on and continue their evolution as before. The future will be full of surprises, and meeting old friends who are close to you who can hardly wait to see you again. Life for you may be difficult just now, but do not be disheartened as for those who read these messages it is almost a certainty that you are well on the path to Ascension.
The truth about all matters awaits you and will be given at the appropriate time. Much of your history as you understand it is far from the truth and intentionally confused by those who desired to control you. However, as the vibrations lift up it is getting harder for them to hide their motives, and the truth behind their actions is becoming more apparent. You are great Beings who are held back in many respects and it means that your lives have been deprived of advances that would have greatly lifted your quality of life. However, do not despair as all things will come to you in the very near future. Behind many of the experiences you have had are Beings who direct events on Earth. Although the negative Ones are also carrying out their life plan, the result is that all along the path you are travelling they keep presenting you with challenges that aid your evolution. It is sometimes fast and furious but if you can see yourselves through it, you will evolve much faster. Whatever happens it is all part of Gods Plan to lead you back to the Godhead.
There is so much money waiting to be distributed there will come a time when no one will need to live in poverty. It will be backed by precious metals and maintain its value. However, as you continue to rise up it will eventually become unnecessary and will not in any way adversely affect your quality of life. Live Love and Love Life, and it will be a splendid experience unlike any you have had previously. The first priority is to cover the needs of those who live in inhuman conditions due to prolonged wars and conflicts, and naturally the source of their troubles will be first addressed.
As you look back and around you it will be obvious that the changes have speeded up, and out of them is coming a more acceptable way of life. It will cause divisions between those who welcome change, and those who are steeped in the past and cannot let go. But the changes cannot be held back as the New Age is well under way, and soon you will see evidence of it. What you have been waiting for is in sight and announcements to that effect will soon be made. Great times are ahead and you will find that the wait has been well worthwhile.
I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self.
In Love and Light.
Mike Quinsey.