Sananda: When I Was Human
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I repeat what I told you ones when I was human those many years past, “I and My Father are One. Know Our Father within you for there lies the Kingdom of Heaven.” You will experience in your ignorance and continue to form your human opinions and judgments until the DESIRE is great within you to KNOW The Truth and Father Within. Then you will not longer ask, in ignorance and superstition, what God can give you and what God can DO for you, but instead you will say to Our Father, “Please show me Father, what I must do to sustain in only YOUR service that I may be an honorable reflection of YOU in every thought, word and deed. Not MY will Father, only let THINE will be done.” -Sananda (Phoenix Journal #2)
RPK (IITM): We all would like to be more like Jesus, but then those pesky inner control issues come up… then what?
Some have deep issues around controlling their environment, other people, and preventing the soul or God from shining through. Giving that up feels like giving up power, when in reality, force is NOT power… so by giving up the control issues, we can truly become powerful… and more Christ-like. Does that make sense?