Golden Age Messages from the Mastersthrough the founders of the Ascended Masters Mystery School Living as an Awakened Christ ~~ Part 2To some of you, it may feel as though you are awakening at the speed of Light! This is how fast it can seem when you are traveling in Oneness with your God Presence. Your Presence resides outside of all time, space and form and although the speed of Love cannot really be measured, it is always one with the Light. As you keep ascending, Love will be your primary guide so your consciousness can keep up with the speed of Light. This is a failsafe program for all awakening human beings who have made the call for their ascension and for living on the Earth as an awakened Christ. ~ The Councils of the Ascended Christ |
The Golden Keys to your living as a Christ while embodied on Earth are starting to be released in these times. Most of these Keys have been hidden and have been unusable and mostly unattainable for thousands upon thousands of years. Jesus the Christ and others have revealed some of the basic keys, yet it is mainly since 2012 that some of the more ancient Keys are being made available to your conscious mind and they are now usable for your present-day use. What these Keys contain and how they can now be used to assist you in living as an awakened Christ depends on the ongoing awakening of the information that has already been recorded within the ancient strands of your DNA. The information and gifts within these strands are connected into all you have learned throughout your many lifetimes as well as the gifts you have attained from living in previous Golden Ages. These gifts are great assets to those living in your current civilization that is in the process of moving from the old limited matrix into its next Golden Age of Freedom and Enlightenment. The depth of your awakening and the time you have spent supporting and living as your Presence is recorded within these ancient stands. Whenever you are embodied, this information resides around you within a luminous sphere, yet it is also recorded by your planet’s Record Keepers within their Crystalline Libraries. The information within these Libraries is being sustained both on and off planet, so nothing is ever lost. |
As a failsafe program so Divine power would not be released prematurely, you have only been able to access very little of what is in your mostly dormant DNA. Scientifically speaking, you have only been using 22 of the 64 codes within your DNA/RNA. Now is the time to ask your Presence to make the information within your ancient DNA more available to your conscious mind. Ask your Presence to reveal daily only that which is in harmony with your ascension and your Divine Crystalline Blueprint for these times. Create a much more lucid connection with your God Self or Presence, by taking some time out every day to go into the silence and by constantly reaffirming your oneness with Source. For thousands upon thousands of years your Presence has been waiting for you to create this vital connection, which is essential for connecting into the information within the ancient strands of your DNA. Only now has it been determined that you are ready for this information to be released for your present-day use. |
To align your mind, heart and body with your soul’s Divine Blueprint, use your loving intent to access the higher levels of consciousness that you have been building within and around you for many lifetimes. Your deep heart-felt desire and request to stay in alignment with Mother/Father God through your own Presence is primary if the information within the ancient crystalline strands of your DNA are to be revealed to your waking consciousness so you can now use it for living as an awakened Christ. By reconnecting with your original encoding from Source and by merging completely with your God Presence, which is your Christed Self, you will be physically, mentally emotionally and etherically moving yourself into a much greater degree of Oneness with the Prime Creator of all worlds. Remain present and aware of this connection at all times so you can authentically rise above and beyond all the many false claims and teachings that you have been exposed to for so many centuries. It is a tremendous gift to be living in a time when you are so free to access the higher dimensional levels of the consciousness you share with your Presence. There is no need to make this union a goal, yet rather follow the steps we have outlined here and accept in total gratitude that this is truly already so. |
Ascended Masters Mystery School offers Classes: Create the Life You Want to LiveFor more information, go to: Ascension Coaching Certification TrainingA 3-Month Online Program ~~ For more information, go to: The Courses to Walk the Earth as a Living Master have been designed by the Ascended Masters to assist you in embodying the Presence and living in freedom and abundance. To learn more about the other Courses and Teachers Trainings, go to: www. |
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