Message From Your Own Higher SELF |
HELLO, Hello, Higher SELF, YES DEAR ONES, WE, THE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ONES ARE NOTICING THAT THE HUMANS ON GIAIA’S EARTH ARE AWAKENING TO A NEW WAY OF LIFE. THIS NEW WAY OF LIFE FEELS GOOD AND MUCH LIKE SOMETHING THAT HUMANITY HAS ALWAYS WANTED, BUT WAS NOT ABLE TO ALLOW THEMSELVES TO HAVE. HOWEVER, DEAR HUMANS, WE MUST WARN YOU THAT THIS “SOMETHING” MAY TURNOUT TO BE SOMETHING BIGGER, AND MORE CHALLENGING THAN ANY THING YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED BEFORE! What is it? Please tell us humans what this “something" is so that we can prepare for it. WITHIN THIS NOW, WE CAN ONLY TELL YOU THAT THIS EXPERIENCE IS AN INITIATION! THIS INITIATION, AND/OR EXPERIENCE IS LIKELY TO BE MORE CHALLENGING THAN MOST HUMANS HAS EVER IMAGINED. Please tell us about this “initiation,” so that we can prepare for it. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE FIFTH DIMENSIONAL ENERGY FIELDS, THAT MANY HUMANS ARE BEGINNING TO EXPERIENCE. THESE HIGHER DIMENSIONAL ENERGY FIELDS MAY BE VERY DIFFICULT FOR THIRD DIMENSIONAL HUMANS TO UNDERSTAND, OR EVEN CONSCIOUSLY EXPERIENCE. I want to experience a fifth dimensional energy field. In fact, I just heard that I was to invite you all to channel a question and the Arcturians would assist you to receive their answer. YES, now I realize is the I am being told to take a long, slow, peaceful, breath and allow my SELF to tune into the fifth dimensional expression/frequency of reality so that I can REMEMBER! “Remember What?” I ask myself… There is only silence. I guess that it is not going to be easy to find, remember, and/or retrieve my relationship with my own, fifth dimensional self. |
WHAT IF YOU , ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER HUMANS WHO ARE READY TO EXPERIENCE THE HIGHER DIMENSION OF REALITY WERE TO TAKE A LONG, SLOW, DEEP BREATH? IF ALL OF YOU WERE TO TAKE THIS LONG, SLOW, DEEP BREATH, PERHAPS YOU COULD BEGIN TO REMEMBER! What would we remember. Would we remember our Interdimensional Communications? Somehow it seems like messages from the Galactics are coming into our awareness in a much stronger manner now. The hardest part of this often short, but always intense, is to remember that we asked to assist the Galactics--many of whom are your own Higher Self! We are discovering that as we find our own Inner/Higher SELF, an invisible “line of communication with our own Higher Dimensional SELF begins. It is this “conscious” Interdimensional Communication that is the Great Change that will commence! It is then that IT Will BEGIN! "What will BEGIN?" we ask. THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION CAN ONLY BE FOUND WITHIN YOUR OWN MULTIDIMENSIONAL SELF! THEREFORE, FIRST YOU MUST REMEMBER “YOUR PERSONAL POWER OF INTENTION!” “What is our “personal Power of intention?” we find ourselves asking. THE ANSWER TO YOUR QUESTION CAN ONLY BE FOUND WHEN YOU CAN BELIEVE IN YOUR OWN POWER OF INTENTION! What does “Power of Intention” mean?’ we ask. THE BEST WAY FOR YOU TO DISCOVER, AND INTERACT WITH YOUR INNER POWER OF INTENTION, YOU WILL NEED TO TRUST YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OWN HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF. But we do not know how to trust in our daily life self. How can we possible trust in our Higher Dimensional SELF? FIRST YOU WILL NEED TO DISCOVER WHY YOU DON'T TRUST YOUR HIGHER SELF IN YOUR DAILY LIFE. THEN, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BETTER ALLOW YOUR SELF TO OBSERVE WHAT IS HAPPENING IN YOUR LIFE WITHOUT JUDGING YOUR SELF. IF YOU JUDGE YOURSELF IT WILL BE TOO DIFFICULT TO DARE TO LOOK DEEP INSIDE AND HIGHER ABOVE THE YOU THAT YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN—BUT FORGOT! Who is this “me” that we have always been but forgot? If we forgot this version of Self the how can we remember it? THE ANSWER TO THAT QUESTION CAN ONLY BE FOUND WITHIN YOUR OWN SELF. YOU HAVE SPENT MUCH OF YOUR LIVES ON BEING WHO YOU SHOULD BE, INSTEAD OF FINDING OUT WHO YOU REALLY ARE. I do not understand. WHEN YOU ARE READY TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WE ARE SAYING IT WILL COME TO YOU IN A MANNER THAT SEEMS TO BE GREATER THAN YOU CAN IMAGINE. HOWEVER, BEFORE YOU CAN UNDERSTAND YOUR THIRD DIMENSIONAL SELF, YOU WILL NEED TO REMEMBER YOUR FIFTH DIMENSIONAL SELF. |
IF YOU TRY TO SKIP THIS PART OF YOUR AWARENESS, YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO BELIEVE THAT WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU, IS REALLY HAPPENING. Wait, wait, what will happen to me? IS THAT FEAR AND/OR SELF CONDIMATION THAT WE HEAR? What do you mean? I don’t want to condemn my self! I am just trying to be honest with myself! WHAT IF YOU WERE HONEST ABOUT YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH YOUR OWN HIGHER DIMENSIONAL SELF. No, no! I could not be that important. Could I? WE ARE VERY HAPPY THAT YOU ARE BEGINNING TO CONSIDER THAT YOU ARE VERY IMPORTANT! No, I am not that important. I a just a regular person, DEAR ONE, WE HAVE COME TO YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE A REGULAR PERSON WHO HAS A REGUALR LIFE, AND WHO RESONATES TO THE THIRD DIMENSION, BUT WHO IS BEGINNING TO AWAKEN TO THE YOU THAT IS YOUR TRUE MULTUDTIMENSIONAL SELF! Are you telling me that I have a Multidimensional SELF? WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO TELL YOU? DO YOU WANT US TO TELL YOU THAT YOU ARE JUST A REGULAR PERSON? WELL, YOU ARE A REGULAR PERSON WHO IS AMONG THE MANY OTHER “REGULAR PERSONS” WHO ARE BEGINNING TO AWAKENING TO YOUR OWN “HIGHER DIMENSIONAL FREQUENCY OF SELF!” I don’t know what you mean by what you are saying, but I wish I did understand because it sounds like it was be a wonderful experience to think of myself as a Multidimensional Person. I am not sure what that term means, but it feels familiar and feels very powerful. However, it is a power that is not OVER other persons, places or things, but a power that is now, and maybe always has been, inside my own physical self. However wouldn’t I be conceited if I thought that I was a Multidimensional Person? NO, DEAR ONE, THAT WOULD MEAN THAT YOU WERE AWAKE!! |
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