The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter
August 2016
Table of Contents
~The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home is in Print Now!
~Reflections from the Road - The Miracles and the Madness
~A Vision for the Highest Good
~Tour Gratitudes
Miscreation Pop Quiz
1. C/M I'm too (fat, old, tall, plain, set in my ways, etc.) to have someone love me.
2. C/M The doctor is never wrong.
3. C/M I'm a victim. Someone else is to blame.
4. C/M My thoughts and words have no power.
5. C/M I can't really be happy.
6. C/M I'm not worthy to be in a loving relationship.
7. C/M Times are hard.
8. C/M I can't find a good job.
9. C/M Things are always breaking around me.
10. C/M If I take a risk, I'll fail.
11. C/M I'll never heal.
12. C/M I can't have what I want.
13. C/M Things will never get better.
14. C/M I'm broke!
15. C/M I can't be happy with all the craziness going on around me.
16. C/M God is angry at me.
17. C/M The TV always tells me the truth.
18. C/M My name is not who I truly am.
19. C/M My body is not who I truly am.
20. C/M Things can change.
21. C/M My thoughts and words are the forerunners of my future.
22. C/M I'm projecting it all from within my mind.
The Ascenders Handbook is in Print Now!
"In our Intenders Circle we've started reading The Seven Ascension Reclamations from The Ascenders Handbook after we've all said our gratitudes and intentions. They are so inspiring; we feel like these Reclamations are taking us to our next level."
Leigh Morano
Intenderpreneur, Des Moines, Iowa

This timely sequel to our bestseller, The Intenders Handbook, has the exact same dimensions as our other handbooks so you can easily carry it in your purse or pocket - but it has twice as many pages and twice as many new, inspiring stories! We even kept it at the low price of $5 so you can get copies for your friends and family.
The morning mist lifted leaving a crisp stillness in the air as the two men walked the narrow path through the ancient forest. "Is that the end of it?" asked the ever-curious Apprentice. "What about completing the octave? What about an 8th Ascension Reclamation?"
"You learn well, my young friend," replied the Master. "There is, most assuredly, an 8th Reclamation that completes the cycle. It's the one you'll claim for yourself...after you've experienced your Oneness and opted to come back and help others go where you have been."
The Ascenders Handbook is now available in Print, in Ebook, in Bulk and in a Trilogy with The Intenders Handbook and The Highest Light Teachings. For more information about The Ascenders Handbook, Click Here.
The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home $5.00 144 pages
The Intenders Ascenders Handbook Trilogy
All Three of our Handbooks in Print! $12.95 288 pages;
The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home Bulk Discount $37.50 for 10 copies
The Ascenders Handbook Ebook (Immediate Download) $5.00
The Intenders Handbook Ebook Trilogy (Immediate Download)
All Three of our Handbooks in One Ebook! $12.00

Reflections from the Road - The Miracles and the Madness
In truth, I never could have imagined such madness when I was growing up, and I know that many of you feel the same way. I have to constantly remind myself that these are all harbingers of the old ways going away - so that the miracles can come in and take their place. And, indeed, that's what I was seeing - the miracles - in my workshops, especially at the Great Lakes Retreat in Olivet, MI. The people who attended this retreat were uplifted, having breakthroughs and witnessing miracles around them daily. Joy and synchronicity abounded. Soul level connections were made. Everyone was excited about taking what they were learning and integrating it into their lives. The world around us may have been filled with madness and chaos, but we were upbeat and filled with love for one another......
And isn't that the lesson of these times we're living in? Aren't those of us who've been doing our inner work learning to stay focused and centered regardless of whatever is going on around us?
A Vision for the Highest Good
One thing is certain: the days ahead will bring great change. From our point of view, life will soon be better for all. Indeed, we can scarcely envision how good things are going to be. No longer will we be encumbered, for we will be free from all meddling into our private lives, free from those who would rob us of our precious energy. No longer will we send our beautiful youth off to fight and kill and die in faraway places they know nothing about. No longer will we hide behind closed doors, for we will know safety and feel it in every cell in our bodies. And no longer will we fear, for we will know love, both inside and outside of us.
We see a world in the making that is far more comfortable and enjoyable than the one we have now; where we're letting go of our old mainstream ways and attachments, and learning to discern in favor of that which is for our Highest Good. Indeed, we see us all living in a free world, a world where we're all lined up with the Highest Good. And it is to those of you - the lightworkers, the wayshowers, the Intenders - that we send out our heartfelt gratitude for your holding the light of the Highest Good during these changing times. For, it is by shining your light that you set an example for everyone around you to follow.