“Many of you have been experiencing the intensity – and you have been talking about this – the intensity of the energy at the moment. It is not just the Mother’s renewed Tsunami of Love. It is not just the energies of the Equinox. It is the energies of Ascension. And it is the energy of staying fully present in the love. It is the ignition point within your heart, within the seat of your soul, in that massive expansion – and staying there.
And that is why you are simultaneously feeling exhausted, disoriented, spacy, and euphoric. You are learning and adjusting literally, physically, emotionally, mentally, and certainly spiritually to a new way of being, and being in form. When you depart your body, the sense of bliss, of being in the love, is instant – you are Home! But you are anchoring that as a fully conscious being, living your sacred purpose, living your dream right now.
So is it a time of change and shift? Yes, it most certainly is! I am so overjoyed and in such deep gratitude to each of you for being here and for doing this, because this is the fulfillment of this chapter, of this segment of our Mother’s Dream.” St. Francis
Channeled by Linda Dillon
© 2018 Council of Love, Inc.