7 Suppressed Inventions That Would Have Changed the World
-By Paul A Philips
The world is steeped in poverty with precious little in the way of humanitarian
Attempting to bring their innovations to the world at large the brilliant inventors of these technologies were given a hard time by the big boys of the ruling elite’s establishment. Some were murdered for profit...
-So without further ado here are some of those technologies. Here are 7 suppressed inventions that would have changed the world with the circumstances surrounding the inventors.
1. Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) – Wardenclyffe Tower Project- free energy.
“Electric power is everywhere, present in unlimited quantities and can drive the world's machinery without the need of coal, oil, gas or any other fuels.”
-Nikola Tesla (1856-1943)
Multi-talented Tesla cut across many disciplinary boundaries. His genius gave rise to a number of world-changing inventions.
One of his most famous experiments /inventions was the Wardenclyffe Tower Project. It was Tesla’s attempt to provide everyone on the globe with free energy through harnessing electricity from the Earth’s ionosphere by means of the towers. Without
However, Tesla’s funding was stopped. His equipment and lab
Tesla died a poverty-stricken lonely and forgotten man in New York City.
2. Raymond Rife (1888-1971) and his Universal Microscope for curing cancer.
After successfully curing a number of cancer patients the Rockefeller owned American Medical Association (AMA) later had this work laid down to rest by closing down Rife’s
That would mean customers lost and no more revenue... so they have to keep coming up with treatment that only takes care of the symptoms, guaranteeing the cancer returns and thus repeat business...
After years of ensuing court cases with the big boys of the cancer establishment having had little money, exiled in Mexico to avoid imprisonment in the USA, Rife died of alcoholism.
-The pressures of harassment related to the legal battles and
3. Wilhelm Reich (1897 – 1957) -
Wilhelm Reich built an instrument he called the cloudbuster which successfully induced weather change. It has been used to break many droughts by producing clouds that make rain.
This workable mechanism for making rainclouds for crop irrigation in drought areas was stopped by those ever watchful lackeys for the ruling elite.
Allowing something like this could lead to food abundance and greatly contribute to ending world hunger. However, the controllers don’t want world hunger to end. If this happened it would make it more difficult to control people in what would no longer be third world countries... Don’t forget, their hidden enslavement agenda...
Consequentially Reich was hounded by the likes of the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) having accused him of fraud and deception with his cloudbuster instrument... His equipment was seized and destroyed.
His last days were spent in prison where it was claimed that he died of a heart attack.
4. Linus Pauling (1901-1994) – ‘Unified Theory’ cure for heart disease.
Pauling had worked with Matthias Rath and they came up with a unified approach to curing heart disease.
Essentially, they found that heart disease is the result of a long-term vitamin C deficiency. The solution is to treat patients with frequent high doses (e.g. 6g/day) of vitamin C while using the amino acids lysine and proline to remove the atherosclerotic plaque lining the inner walls of the blood vessels that cause a narrowing or blocking of the lumen (space) of the blood vessels which is responsible for restricting blood flow and cardiovascular disease.
However, due to greater interests in corporate profitability and perceived financial threat, this highly successful cheap alternative therapy has not been allowed that much attention.
5. Stanley Meyer (1940-1998) and the car that runs on water
Meyer invented
The engine system was fitted with a fuel cell that was able to split water into its components hydrogen and oxygen. The burnt hydrogen was the fuel source used to generate the necessary energy to power the car... For a detailed account on how the car works see video:
With such energetic sustainability Meyer’s invention could have made a revolutionary contribution to our planet’s environment and economy: If the full specifications of his work had been allowed to be published we’d all be using his technology today.
Meyer turned down the offer of a billion dollars to hand over the rights and patents. For this refusal, it has been said that he was murdered for profit; having died of uranium poisoning he was too much of financial threat to the ruling elite’s conventional oil industry with its petrochemical derivatives...
6. Harry Hoxey (1901–1974) -The Hoxey remedies for curing cancer
Developed and handed down from successive generations, Harry Hoxey was able to use a herbal remedy and an externally applied paste to successfully treat cancer. The herbal formula detoxified the body and boosted the immune system, while the external paste got rid of
In the mid 50’s, a number of Doctors reviewed Hoxey’s work and came to the conclusion:
‘‘This clinic now has under treatment or observation between four and five thousand cancer patients. It handles approximately ninety patients per day. Approximately 100 new patients per week come to the clinic seeking relief, and the evidence we have seen indicates that approximately 90 percent of these are terminal cases.
Over the years the clinic has accumulated more than 10,000 case histories, photographic studies and X-ray studies from all over the United States, Canada, Alaska, Mexico, Hawaii, the Central Zone and elsewhere. We find as a fact that the Hoxey Cancer Clinic in Dallas, Texas, is successfully treating pathologically proven cases of cancer, both internal and external, without the use of surgery, radium or X-ray...
Some of those presented before us have been free
The above statement represents the unanimous findings of this Committee. In testimony
-S. Edgard Bond M.D., Willard G. Palmer M.D., Hans Kalm M.D, A.C. Timbs M.D., Frederick H. Thurston M.D. D.O., E.E. Loffler M.D., H.B. Mueller M.D., R.C. Bowie M.D., Benjamin F. Bowers M.D., Roy O. Yeats M.D
Having got the news the AMA tried to buy the treatment. Hoxey refused on the grounds that they would not give it to poor people free of charge.
A long legal and political battle enraged with much media interest. Several thousand people testified they had been cured using Hoxey’s work while the AMA refused
The fact that no patient would testify against him and the acting District Attorney’s brother was cured by his methods may well have been the reasons for his continual reprieve. Eventually
This story, however, does have a good ending. A former nurse in one of the clinics, Mildred Nelson, took the treatment to Mexico. The clinic, under a different name, still exists to this day and by all accounts is deemed to a compassionate, caring and most of all successful (80% cure rate, with medical records to prove it) institution. The authorities, the NCI have deliberately looked the other way.
7. The suppression of Nazi flying saucer technology
The Nazi’s had developed antigravity flying saucer technology during World War 2. It has been said that a secret base was made in the Antarctic which housed them. Then in the latter part of
Using the saucers on
An engineer named Joseph Andreas Epp claimed he had been involved in the development of the technology during the wartime and that the Schriever-Habermohl project involved some 15 different prototypes.
-For details and a fuller account including the Nazi occult connections, an ancient past, ET
-What happened to this technology in the years after WW2?
In reflection
“No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings. Man's reason and spirit have often solved the seemingly unsolvable – and we believe they can do it again.”
-John F. Kennedy, 1963
We have seen an all-too-familiar pattern as in the above inventions 1-6. -The inventors are approached by representatives of the ruling elite’s establishments who highly praise their innovations and offer to buy their patents.
However, the inventors feel that something’s not right. That the establishment
The answers to the many so-called incurable diseases do exist.
While we need to take necessary and just actions, instead of giving too much attention to materialism we need to shift our focus on how our thoughts can manifest reality. The kind of reality that we really want that takes us from scarcity to abundance, divided and ruled to united, from war to peace... etc.
-These suppressions and others