Commander Heron: Language Programming

Commander Heron: Language Programming

Channel: A.V for

Dear friends, I am Heron, and today I would like to share with you a precious message about the awareness and power that resides within each of you as creators of your reality.

Every word you speak and every thought you entertain creates an energetic wave in your personal and collective universe. It is important to understand that by focusing on what you dislike or what is difficult for you, you are giving energy to those same things, amplifying their impact in your life.

For example, if you wake up in the morning feeling tired or low on energy, you don’t need to share this with the world. Telling everyone about your discomfort will only reinforce it in your mind and feed it with the energy of your words. Instead, you can choose to transform that moment: instead of saying “I feel tired,” try telling yourself “Today I choose to recharge with new energy” or “I start this day with gratitude and new possibilities.”

Likewise, avoid constantly returning to conversations or situations that you don’t like. Every time you do, create an emotional connection with what you want to overcome. It’s like continuing to water a seed that you don’t want to see grow. Instead, focus on what you do want: talk about love, joy, success, gratitude. In doing so, you water the seeds of a better future.

Always remember that your mind is a powerful ally. As with the pink elephant metaphor, what you focus on grows and takes shape in your reality. This means that to change your present, the key is to focus on all that is good, positive, and loving. Don’t ignore challenges, but choose not to let them dominate your attention or energy.

At any moment, you have the power to choose the direction in which to direct your thoughts. Use this gift to elevate yourself, to create a present filled with light and to inspire those around you with your positive energy. You are creators and your ability to shape reality is infinite.

With love, wisdom and light, Heron and the Galactic Federation.