ARCHANGEL MICHAEL AND THE MASTER EL MORYA ~ Trust in the New Planetary Direction Towards the Light.
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Greetings Emanuel and Pastora, I am Archangel Michael. Just wanted to drop by to give you a short message. I want all light beings to understand that this reality continues in their systems, in their processes. But continuous and the idea is to continue in its most advanced processes, in process of higher height towards the light and the idea is looking for a way.
In this process of transition, it is necessary to look for roads, bridges that lead to that reality we long for. I understand that many skeptics, brothers of the light do not understand yet that we need to have in key positions of governments of this reality where they are, people who push towards the light their countries, their processes, to help peace, harmony, to this change. They are artifacts, they are tools, instruments, brothers who have come for this mission.
I understand that at best, many still imbued in the old politics still show skeptical, but time will show the results of all these decisions, of all this triumph that the light obtained. Maybe at best, it’s not as ideal the process as light beings are waiting for in the short term.
Remember that we are fighting against something very big that involves all of society, something very negative that is eating everything, that has eaten all of society, all planetary processes. But if we don’t start taking steps and don’t begin, we will never achieve what we want.
We want peace mainly for the whole planet. We don’t want any more war. The forces of light we are fighting and fighting for peace on the planet to be given. Remember that the dark forces are always looking for war, fear, the anxiety for all children, because with that they infuse fear and for fear they parasitize and attack them.
I urge you all to have confidence. All of this is a process that is taken and in this transition it is necessary to take safe steps. Don’t be carried away by old political precepts. Release the old politics from your minds.
Open your minds to the true politics of light and love that Father Mother has for all. In this new reality where there really will be no politics as they know it. Politics I call it, but a true one in all its political reach, towards peace, love, helping the planet, to dismantle all that dark web that these dark ruffians have maintained throughout their stay.
It’s not easy, it hasn’t been easy, but we’re on the way to achieving its definitive exit from this planet, from all kinds of germs, dark beings, clones, darkness. Every step we take is a great victory, because every step we take, we take it in the sense of liberation and global peace so that this process of ascension flows and flows in harmony and in peace.
This is our big goal, the goal of the big blue team to assist you in this whole process.
I bid farewell and this was the clarification I wanted to do to the doubters, who do not trust this great victory of light. To them I tell you, search internally into their hearts, search there and you will see, that the path is being paved for a new land of love and light.
I’m the Archangel Michael, I bless you all and tell you, confidence that we go forward in a firm and secure step.
Archangel Michael.
Master the Morya…
Greetings beloved Emanuel and Pastora, I wanted you a little in the order of ideas that the beloved Miguel gave you, I want to inform you that we have taken a big step towards the formation of the Divine Planetary Government. As I told you in previous messages, that it was necessary for the forces of light to take back the north country and that has been achieved. It was a great win.
Let no one think it’s the ultimate win, but there we are. The important thing is that this being has all the assistance of light, all the assistance of the Blue Team, all the assistance from the Divine Government. Because it begins to form part of the New Divine Government for the planet.
Remember, remember I always told you, that this step was necessary in the north country, to cut off all those planetary control networks. And I understand that many will think it’s from today to tomorrow. We still have a long stretch to go beloved, but we have full confidence that with all the assistance this new government from the north will receive, we will guide to establish the new order on this planet.
Let no one be confused, but we move forward, the Divine Government moves forward. We have won a position that was fundamental to win it, there we have it and with the assistance, with the harmony of all, we will achieve the great goal, to form the Divine Planetary Government, because it is already time and this great victory accelerates the step in this formation of government divine. Because already many of the ancient successors of the previous control system will begin to loosen the moorings and we will have a new energy in all countries, to establish and rise the beings of light that need to have at the forefront of all these countries to finally achieve the goal of divine government, of planetary transition.
Have confidence that you have all the assistance and support of the entire Planetary Hierarchy, to follow and help in this process.
I am the Master El Morya and I call you to faith, to confidence, that everything must go in order to the constitution of this Great Divine Planetary Government.
Goodbye with love, I am Morya.
Emanuel and Pastora – ServIUM
ERKS – 7/11/2024